Monday, September 30, 2019

Explore the presentation of women in Much Ado about Nothing Essay

Explore the presentation of women in ‘Much Ado about Nothing’ The women in the 1500’s were always expected to do things such as taking care of the family not working outside of their houses and always seen as possessions, not people. As in Shakespeare’s time they were seen not heard. Shakespeare used this as a theme in him novel, ‘Much Ado about Nothing,’ and the character Hero in particular portrayed the typical woman. The typical woman was modest, convectional, reserved and many women were pressured to be exactly like her. There are many other ways of which women are presented in this 1599 play about love and the deception of appearances. The play was very popular with the audience and was a comedy. Women who had a high status were usually linked with honour. Hero is an example of this as her father, Leonato, is a successful character and has high status. He is described as a, ‘honourable father,’ which means that if she was to be, ‘unfaithful’, to Claudio then her whole family would go down in status and she Hero would be seen as an unclean creature now worth nothing. Hero’s overall presentation is a typical woman and is used as a plot device to move the story along, so she is valuable but her value is not recognised. An example of this is when she furthers the plot when she is, ‘unfaithful,’ to Claudio. Hero is a possession to be passed on from father to husband as the society was patriarchal and the women were dominated by men and were assets to bargain. In the wedding scene Hero hardly says anything in her defence, and what she does say are only in one line blocks, ‘is my Lord well that he doth speak so wide? ‘ She is not saying that he is wrong, but just asking him to rethink what he is saying. This shows us that she is a typical, modest woman and cannot stand up for herself. When Hero is accused of being unfaithful to Claudio, her father doesn’t defend her like a typical father would do today, but he says, ‘do not live Hero, do not ope thine eyes,’ Leonato is ashamed to be linked with his daughter and basically says that he wants her to die. This is not how women should be treated. They have no voice and people would believe a man’s word over a woman’s. Hero is seen as a, ‘plague right well prevented,’ which means she is no longer any use to Claudio and is a plague on him. Once women had lost there virginity to a man when they were not married, they were seen as useless and unclean, a woman would not be able to get a husband and would be put in a nunnery or kept indoors. Honour is linked to virginity because then the women were not worthless and so that they could be married to someone of high status. Claudio thinks Hero’s appearance is deceiving him and he ruins her life as she had ruined his, ‘thoughts of harm. ‘ He ruins her life because now people think that she is unfaithful, ‘rotten orange,’ she will be worthless and kept indoors. Another example of Hero as a typical Elizabethan woman is at the party when she gets proposed to. Hero is told what to say to her marriage proposal and has no choice in what to say. Beatrice even prompts her on what her actions should be, ‘speak cousin, or if you cannot, stop his mouth with a kiss. ‘ Woman’s sexuality was controlled by men. Hero would be like any other good typical wife in Elizabethan times, she, ‘would do any modest office. ‘ She is quiet and chaste and conforms to the norms of the society. Hero is very predictable, again like the typical woman, ‘now going to kiss Claudio,’ Beatrice prompts her on her actions. In contrast Benedick’s and Beatrice’s relationship has more equality and they come across as comfortable with one another as they use, ‘you ,’ and, ‘your,’ as apposed to, ‘thee,’ and, ‘thou,’ as Hero and Claudio use. Beatrice is presented in a very different way to Hero. Beatrice is presented very openly. All of her emotions are shown and she always says what she thinks, ‘the commendation is not in his wit, but in his villainy. ‘ This shows us that Beatrice is a very plotting and witty character who is in control of the situation. She is an independent woman, who was not like how women in Elizabethan times were presented, she was like Queen Elizabeth. Hero and Beatrice are complete opposites. Beatrice doesn’t want any man to rule her life, in marriage, so takes an independent look to things. She doesn’t want a husband because she wants to remain like she is, ‘I had rather hear my dog bark at a crow than a man swear he loves me. ‘ Her strong voice is a strong comparison to Hero’s silence; it makes them seen very opposite and is not the norms of Elizabethan society. Because Beatrice is so independent, she uses her wit to stop her from getting hurt, ‘so I would not he should do me, my Lord, lest I should prove the mother of fools. ‘ It shows that Elizabethan women were quite vulnerable. The love that Benedick has for Beatrice is true love, this gives Beatrice the power to manipulate him, and she tells him to, ‘kill Claudio,’ because she has to rely on a man to carry out what she wants to be done. The women in those times could not carry out a duel with someone else, as it was no, ‘expected,’ of them to do that and they had to conform to the typical woman, like Hero. Beatrice shows her frustration when she says, ‘O God that I were a man! I would eat his heart in the market place,’ she’s saying that if she was a man she would kill Claudio herself so makes Benedick chose if he looses a friend or love. Beatrice shows that she can be a domination person when she cuts Benedick’s sentences short, ‘Beat-,’ then she says, ‘Princes and Counties! ‘ Overall I think that the women in, ‘Much Ado about Nothing,’ were pressured into being quiet, chaste and not seen, like Hero. Beatrice is the total opposite and has her own strong-willed, independent mind. Men and women were not treated as equals and men had so much more power and freedom and saw the women as possessions not wives. Hero resembles the perfect presentation of what a woman should be like. Beatrice does not because she is not quiet and is not told what to do, she is different, she is stubborn and will do things her own way.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Postmodern Social Theory Essay

Postmodern social theory is a field which is both difficult to define and rejects being defined. Postmodern theory is largely concerned with the ways our perceptions and reality are constructed. Postmodern social theory is a field of diverse and at times contradictory ideas that try to describe the relations of characters to society of the infrastructures and information age. Social reality is distinct from objective reality and individual subjective reality because it refers to the socially constructed nature of most of our shared institutions, beliefs and values. Social reality can be thought of as the sum of the social constructs in a society, or as the result of the social interactions between individuals within a society. Various authors have pursued to overcome this difficulty by trusting on common characteristics of various postmodern theories; also others have defined the field by those who work in it. Many have evaded any attempts to define it at all. Nevertheless of which of these methods one takes, however, there is no denying that postmodern social theory was at one time a booming presence in sociology. Despite this â€Å"death† of postmodern theory, however, its short life has had profound effects on the way social theorists do theory, and I think that it will, in no doubt, continue to have such an effect for a long time to come. There is also no denying that that time has passed and that now postmodern social theory is little more than a memory of a past era in social thought. Conclusion Postmodern social theory discards the desires and skills of modern social theory, moving away from grand descriptions, rational theorizing and towards a deconstruction of general truths, a decentering that is attuned to difference and locality.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Why were the police unable to catch Jack the Ripper?

There are several factors that can be used for why the murderer was never caught, firstly: There were no witnesses, whether this was part of the murderers plan, to find someone without people, or to kill them somewhere isolated then dump their body elsewhere is unknown. It could be accounted to luck that there were no witnesses, and the people who did come forward to give evidence gave several different descriptions, which contradicted each other. If there was someone who witnessed the murder, maybe he would have been caught. The victims were prostitutes; people who usually avoided the police anyway. They were easy victims for several reasons. Firstly, they had a dangerous profession anyway, they risked being beaten up and murdered every night, so maybe with a serial killer out their, they didn't see their chances as any lower or any higher of being murdered. They also really needed the money, to risk going out every night, they were very poor, so they still went out. They would take clients to a place that was isolated from other people, it made it easier for the murder, as noone would hear them, and there would be no witnesses. Also prostitutes were often drunk and vulnerable anyway, making them easier to silence. Because the killer did not know his victims, it made it harder to solve. It is the same case today with the Washington Sniper. If you target people you have no connection with, then there is no way to relate you to them. You cannot ask other friends or family about other people they knew in their life who might kill them, or who is suspicious. It gives the police no link, so they don't have much to follow up on. Other than he was killing prostitutes, and there were hundreds in London. Also, this was one of the first big cases detectives of a poorer area (Whitechapel) had to deal with, their usual methods included rounding up suspicious looking suspects, and patrolling the poorer areas. This was obviously not going to work in this case. Because the Ripper had to blend in, if he wanted prostitutes to go with him. Also, the Ripper's gruesome mutilation was not what the police were used to dealing with, it was not a domestic murder case, therefore they had no leads, but the Ripper was striking at random prostitutes, therefore they had no idea where he could be. There was also a lot of misleading evidence. There were hundreds of letters sent in claiming to be from Jack the Ripper. Only 3 of which are considered to be anywhere near liable. Two of which are from the same person, staring with â€Å"Dear Boss† for these two letters, it could have been sent in straight after reading the newspaper, or made up from a journalist trying to promote the story. The other one however, came with half a kidney, that looked likely to be taken from one of the victims. Other false leads like Leather Apron were also off-putting. The anti-semantic writing on the wall, found near Catherine Eddowes's body, could have also have been a great help, or a disaster. If it was a clue, it was wiped off the wall, and therefore they could not use it to compare handwriting. Or it could be false, leading to riots. The Jews in the past had been blamed for a lot of murders, as they were widely disliked, but still held a lot of money and power in general. Any mention of the killer being Jewish would have lead to riots, which the police did not want on top of trying to catch the killer. It can be said they did their best using what evidence they had. There was no forensic evidence, finer prints were not used until 1901, there was no DNA evidence, and photography in this case had only just started, it made the police's job finding evidence difficult with so little of anything to go on. If they had had DNA evidence, more accurate records of criminals and better security (cameras in the streets) then maybe he would have been caught. But because of limited evidence, of the killer leaving no weapons behind, and clothing and possession were later accounted for, the police had little to go on. The police were also under a lot of pressure from the press and politicians. With the press thinking up of one story after another, it maybe gave the police too many useless leads that wasted their time. The media was constantly bombarding the police force: their usual methods were slow, and not very effective. However now, they were under pressure to catch someone, they had to speed things up, which would have resulted in several wrong suspects, and evidence. They were expected by the public to catch the ripper, after 5 murders that were not prevented after heightened security from the police, it made the public and media put more pressure on. The killings stopped, there are several suspected reasons for this. However, if the murders had continued, it is entirely feasible that someone would have eventually caught him, with so few prostitutes on the street, and so many metropolitan police. Some suspected reasons are: The police were getting to near to catching him, to risky to carry on. He died, or was imprisoned for another crime. Many deaths went unreported to the police. Moved to another part of the UK, with not as good as the metropolitan police force, or just simply moved away. Or moved to another country. After the ripper murders, there were several murders in America, with the same pattern. Because of no international links, noone ever linked the two together. After committing so many crimes and knowing the end was near, killed himself, this too would have carried no concern with the press. He had killed enough people. This one is most unlikely. It has been observed with other psychopaths and serial killers, they only stop when they have been caught, or die. It was probably not as much of a lust as a fixation. They caught the Ripper, but it infact was connected to the royal family or government, and it would have been a huge public scandal, and uproar would ensure, so they never told the press, or anyone else in the police force he was caught.

Friday, September 27, 2019

MIS Minicase Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

MIS Minicase - Essay Example Besides, a considerable share of the gross national product of developed economies is in intangible form (Nakamara, 45). An intangible is a non-monetary asset that used in production or supply of services and goods. It can either be used for administrative purposes or rented to third parties. Patents and copyrights are some of the examples of legally acknowledged intangibles that can be valued effectively. This is not the case for some intangibles like goodwill, brand equity, inter organizational relations and intellectual capital. It is inherently difficult to determine the intrinsic value of businesses that operate in fast changing markets and high research and development. Case in point is the treatment of employee training expenses; treated as expenses with no future value yet in the real sense the value of experienced employees exceed the training expense. The value gap of intangibles is further created by accounting systems that value them as assets that are not easily counted. However (Boulton, Libert, and Samak 21: 29-35) found out that the book value of many publicly traded companies rose from 5 percent to 72 percent of the market value in the period1978-1998. This shows that only a paltry 28 percent of value was reflected in the balance sheet. In their research (Ryan and Harrison 16: 11-40) discovered that IT investments elude conventional valuation methods because of hidden costs and benefits. Despite the challenges posed by the effective determination of intangibles, business organizations recognize that organizational performance is linked to intangibles like brand equity and organizational effectiveness. Intangibles deliver benefits that are not easily quantified a factor which relegates them to complimentary yet, they also form the basis of organizational success. Intangible benefits like customer satisfaction, employee coordination, access to information and improved

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Appraisal Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Appraisal - Research Paper Example 2. Do you think that Vice President Winchester would be better off dropping graphic rating forms, substituting instead one of the other techniques we discussed in this chapter, such as a ranking method? Why? Probably the problem doesn’t lie in the graphic ratings form; the problem is tied to what the form is tied to, which is the salary appraisal. It has been mentioned in the case that everyone seems to be biased in filling out the forms, so if forms get filled without any apparent bias, performance evaluation could work with the same graphic forms. If I were Rob, I would develop bonus system for every task done. It would be like a milestone plan. Every secretary’s job would be divided into certain milestones and their job will be to complete it in time satisfactorily. The immediate supervisor will rate their work on quality, schedule, expertise, communication, and knowledge, and will give those stars out of a maximum of five stars. According to this evaluation, each milestone will have its normal salary and then for higher ratings, a bonus. A Value for Money Framework (Rogers & Duffy, 2012, p198) will be built for each secretary This will be different from the previous appraisal system because employee’s bonus will be tied to their performance which already has been categorized in different forms and not just in terms of ‘perfect’, ‘good’ or

Canadian Lumber Trade Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Canadian Lumber Trade - Essay Example Several meetings were held between the Trade officials of both the countries in order to get to a mutual understanding, which would benefit both the parties, but until today both the parties are seeking for solution for this issue. By May 2002, US International Trade Commission took a stand against Canadian Lumber Producers by stating that the imports from Canada threaten material injury to US industry. The Commission was convinced that Canadian softwood lumber imports are unfairly subsidized. During the same year, Bush administration slapped average tariffs of 29 percent on Canadian softwood lumber imports in a bid to protect US lumber jobs from subsidized Canadian imports. According to Mary Crawford1, the tariffs, known as countervailing duties will be 19.34 percent and the additional dumping penalty of 9.6 percent will be applied to Canadian lumber exporters for selling their softwood lumber at prices below fair market value. The imposition of the tariffs over the Canadian softwood lumber definitely was going to protect the US lumber industry in the longer run, but the most effected ones were the US consumers, as they were going to face the hike in prices of lumber, hence overall construction cost would be high. The NAHB2 believed that the tariff would serve as a hidden tax on US homebuyers and renters. According to NAHB, the overall 29 percent tariff was adding $1000 to the cost of building a new home. NAHB pointed out different types of lumber for house framing is not interchangeable, and the types of lumber being imported from Canada are different from US lumber, and are used in different structural uses in home construction, hence the tariff is going to affect the overall quality of a house. According to Barry Rutenberg3, for house framing the Canadian SPF4 is better than US SPF, and satisfies the requirement. He said, "Homebuilding and remodeling account for two-thirds of lumber consumption in the U .S., and lumber is the primary building material used in home building. Because there are not enough trees available in the U.S. to produce the lumber needed for home building, Canadian lumber imports are critical for the construction of affordable new homes and to make improvements on existing homes in America". As the price of Canadian SPF raises the overall house construction prices also rises, which will decrease the number of homebuyers. Recently US Department of Commerce published a second administrative review in the Federal Register, according to which, for softwood lumber shipped from Canada to the U.S., the combined countervailing and anti-dumping duty rate of 10.8 percent is now in effect. The countervailing duties will be collected at a rate of 8.7 percent, and the "all-other" anti-dumping rate is now 2.1 percent. The real question now is whether the Canadian government is going to tackle the trade dispute issue in a way which enable the Canadian lumber industry to regain the power it needs to shape the economy in the interests of Canadian citizens, the majority of which are women and men who work for wages. Analysis shows that there are certain key points which are going against the Canadian lumber industry interests and overall Canadian labour community. Firstly, the U.S. still manages trade in their own interests whenever they want to do so.

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Evian Company web-strategy Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Evian Company web-strategy - Assignment Example applied in the process of designing a web page for advertising company’s products, together with the method of brands online image has a lot of significances. In this assignment paper, I am going to look at the Evian Company web-strategy as well as considering SOCTAC web strategy model and social marketing as used by the organization. The above two, online image and social marketing can get strategically used by different organizations towards meeting their promotional set goals. Online image of an organization’s brand only refers to the best-identified picture of the product that the company finds to have the ability to capture the markets mind (Laudon & Traver, 2002). For this case, the organization employs some IT experts who create the image of the product to get more attractive towards the targeted population. This will mean that they will take their time to know more about the brand as well as ordering for their purchase. Social marketing refers to a kind of product promotion carried out by a firm, with the primary objective of improving the well-being of the society. Unlike the other marketing conducted by an organization that target for improved company’s sell, social marketing aims at alleviating the social, economic, political, health, ideological and other aspects of the community’s well-being. This is one of the best planning models for conducting marketing since it’s easier to capture as well coming up with structures for some planning activities. It gets best applied where an organization is coming up with an overall marketing strategy as well as boosting a firm’s channeling tactics. SOSTAC entails evaluating the situation; which is the current level the organization holds, objectives; where the company is aiming to find itself, and strategy; the methodology of moving forward (Laudon & Traver, 2002). Others include tactics; the exact process of moving forward, action; the proposed plan, and finally control, determining whether the

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Humor Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

Humor - Essay Example Every time the gray unicorn Charlie is misled and faces some loss or the other including his kidney, horn and TV. The video uses mainly three elements of humor to amuse its audience. Firstly, each of the videos in this series contains funny starts, for instance, a silly song, which is nice to hear despite its meaninglessness to the rational mind, comments with self-irony and funny names. (Medgyes, 8-9) In the first video as the three unicorns approach the Candy Mountain, the five letters of the word ‘CANDY’ begins to sing a song in order to invite Charlie inside the cave – â€Å"Its the mecca of love in the candy cave. They got jellybeans and coconuts with little hats† (Charlie the Unicorn). Coconuts and jellybeans normally do not have hats. In the second video, the Santa Claus type creature (known as Frogus) begins to sing a song asking Charlie to put a banana in his ear whenever he is sad – â€Å"Put a ripe banana right into your favourite ear! Its true† (Charlie the Unicorn 2). No one has perhaps ever done such a thing with a rational mind. The third video includes a silly song sung by the strange creature looking like a hybrid form of a goal and seal. The song is trying to convince Charlie how loved he is by all the creatures of the sea. The way they are sung is funny and their meaningless stems from the choice of words. Other examples of funny starts include self-irony - â€Å"What the-Oh, sleeping gas! Of course. Why did I expect any different?† (Charlie The Unicorn 3) Charlie gets carried away for a second but soon realizes that he has repeated the same mistake of following his friends’ advice and expresses it aloud, therefore striking the humor. Medgyes shows through examples â€Å"the fun of being self-critical† (Medgyes, 21). Funny names have been used frequently in the second video of Charlie where the giant sneaker is referred as the train and called the â€Å"choo choo shoe†. The pinka nd blue unicorn sings aloud – â€Å"Chugga

Monday, September 23, 2019

Zipcar It's Not about Cars It's about Urban Life Case Study

Zipcar It's Not about Cars It's about Urban Life - Case Study Example By offering customers something other than the conventional car-rental, Zipcar offered an array of benefits that included reduced traveling time in densely populated cities like New York. By offering a variety of cars to choose from customers had the opportunity to experience new vehicles according to their moods. It helped in saving money and catered to their need of having a car without actually owning one. By tapping on their values of greening, it widely promoted the positive environmental impact of Zipcar through reduced emissions, fuel consumption etc. comfort of rental and easy accessibility also made it easy for customers to trial, use and remain loyal to the business. A2 Zipcar started off by tapping on one of the attributes of the prevalent value system, environment friendliness. By promoting the environmental benefits like reduced emissions and responsible initiative, Zipcar managed to differentiate itself from the other market players. Pairing this with a set of benefits like convenience, affordability, variety and green attitude etc., Zipcar was able to consolidate both the benefits and value to reflect the company’s image of economy and efficiency. The positioning of ‘we love earth’ and subsequent promotion of how they do so through their offering they are able to focus on how the efficiency of their business and its purpose contributes towards convenient, affordable and safe traveling. A3The value-based positioning by Zipcar based on environmental consciousness and responsible actions towards reducing environmental harm, which they started off with, was successful in giving them a strong footing in the market. This is the positioning that allowed them to differentiate themselves from the array of car rental services that were prevalent in the market at that.Customer oriented strategies are driven by the needs of the customers. A combination of tangible benefits and intangible values make a perfect strategy mix that can help gain market standing and make a business a success, much in the case of Zipcar.

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Audience And Action Plan Essay Example for Free

Audience And Action Plan Essay I am the manager of Lexington Short Term Outpatient/Inpatient Rehabilitation Center with the task of developing an action plan and a proposal to add long term care services to our current services that will be presented to the organization’s Board of Directors for approval. Initially, I had prepared an action plan that requires updating. My initial action plan included the following: various communication methods to be use by managers within this organization, the importance of the identified communication methods within this organizational structure, internal/external relationships to be considered, steps involved in organizational planning and functions of management, how planned steps may be applied to the scenario, strategies that might be used to bring about change in the organization, how those strategies may be used to prevent or to minimize conflict, strategies that can be applied if conflict does arise, the managers role in conflict management, ethical issues that may altered the way change is conducted in the organization, the effects of financial and human resource management controls, how financial and human resource control issues may affect the decision-making process, environmental influences related to health care which may affect outcomes and quality within the organization, and, how the implemented change will be tracked or evaluated. I decided to add diversity to management, administration, staff and health care services to appeal to a diverse patient population that is multilingual to enhance communication with our clients and broaden our patient services. This worked well for me because I realized that being equipped to serve a diverse patient population will give my proposal better chance of being accepted by the Board of Directors. While attempting to update my action plan, deciding on what will be appropriate and successful was something that was a challenge for me. Another challenge was incorporating my new updates to my current action  plan. If I was asked the question what would I have done differently if I had the opportunity prior to my update, my answer would have been to have the opportunity to update my action plan. Now that my update is completed, I feel very confident and is ready to present my proposal and action plan to the Board of Directors and I will not do anything differently from this point on. Buchbinder, S.B Shanks, N.H (2012). Introduction to health care management (2nd ed.) Burlington, MA: Jones Bartlett Learning.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Disabilities: Barriers to Participation

Disabilities: Barriers to Participation Exclusion Inclusion Disabilities Overcoming barriers to participation From Exclusion to Inclusion In the United Kingdom, discussed by Shah (2005), segregated or special schools were the most common form of provision for pupils with disabilities, despite the fact that the cost of special education per child is too high for most countries. Governments are now recognizing the need to develop a more affordable system which will provide quality education for all children, additionally, legislation is clearly moving towards an increasing emphasis on inclusion. In Scotland the Education (Additional Support for Learning) (Scotland) Act 2004, and the Special Educational Needs and Disability Act 2001 (Department for Education and Employment, 2001), which amends the Disability Discrimination Act (1995), deliver a stronger right to a mainstream education for disabled children unless this is conflicting with the parents wishes or the provision of efficient education for other children. One of the main aims proposed in the recent White Paper, Removing Barriers to Achievement (DfES, 2004) is to reduce the number of special schools and encourage more mainstream schools to adopt fully inclusive practices. In addition, by reducing the number of residential schools and reallocating resources to local provisions and service, disabled children and young people can be educated closer to their homes and families. But it is argued that, even with the worldwide trend towards inclusion and the increasing participation of disabled children in mainstream schools, special education still has an important role and, for some students, is still the best option. However, others need to be put in situations in which they have opportunities to succeed and develop self-esteem and confidence. (Shah, S, 2005) There has been much debate over recent years concerning the provision of segregated special education for pupils with disabilities. There are both arguments in favour of inclusion and against. Advantages of segregated education Cited by Shah (2005), Barnes (1991) and Middleton (1999), argue that special education is promoted to parents of disabled children as a safe option to the hustle and bustle of mainstream schools, which may otherwise be too stressful. Some researchers claim that separate schools offer the best opportunities for disabled students, for instance, Jenkinson (1979) argues that with smaller classes and higher teacher pupil ratios, special schools allow concentrated one-to-one attention and tuition which can be delivered at a level appropriate to each child’s needs. They are perceived as more supportive, both physically and socially, and less threatening to students with disabilities, encouraging their feeling of security and enhancing their self-esteem by avoiding continual comparison of their achievements with other students. According to Pearse (1996), segregated institutions are an essential element of the social and psychological independence of disabled children. Moreover, being supported in an environment free from the involvement of mainstream barriers allows the children to explore and develop a sense of self. Cook, Swain and French (2001) propose that disabled students are likely to build positive social relationships more easily in segregated institutions where they not only share common goals and interests, but values, goals and ways of viewing the world. In mainstream school, where a disabled child requires support, Watson et al. (1999) suggest that successful social integration with peers may be hindered. They found that for some disabled people, the physical location of the helper could work against their acceptance among other children in the class. Allan (1996) suggests that the child’s interaction can be brought to the attention of the staff, as disabled children are more carefully monitored than their non-disabled peers: All children are the object of analysis within schools, but for pupils with special educational needs, the observation reaches further. They are observed, not only at work in the classroom, but also at break times. The way in which they intermingle with mainstream peers or integrate socially is often viewed as equally important, if not more so, than their attainment in mainstream curriculum goals. (Shah, S, 2005) Criticisms of segregated education Shah also discusses arguments against segregated education; Alderson and Goodey, (1998) argue that reports which suggest that students have a higher self-esteem or do better at special schools are worthless if self-esteem depends on being in an artificial, sheltered world. Barnes (1991) argues that being in a protective, segregated environment holds back disabled individuals from society. Dr John Mary and the British Council of Organizations of Disabled People (1986) believe that special education is one of the key routes for distributing non-disabled views of the world and making sure that disabled school leavers are socially isolated. The outcome of this isolation is that disabled people accept social discrimination and lack the skills needed in adult life. This argument is supported by Jenkinson (1997) and Fuchs and Fuchs (1998) who feel that the deficiency of suitable behavioural role models, and the removal from the general way of life of childhood and adolescence contribute to isolation in the community. Barnes, (1991) also argues that by producing socially and educationally disabled individuals, the special education system maintains discrimination practices in all other areas of social life, particularly employment. Dunn (1968), also had the same views, in that, a segregated placement is responsible for people with disabilities being negatively labelled and excluded from society. He goes on to say that labels have damaging effects on both teacher expectations and the student’s own self-concept. Another major criticism of segregated education is that an isolated curriculum that focuses on specific educational needs stops students from learning a wide range of subjects offered in mainstream schools. Jenkinson (1997) argues that the small number of staff in special schools, along with their considerably limited, curricula expertise, restricts the range and content of the curriculum. She feels the lack of training and experience of most special school teachers in the secondary curriculum to be a growing obstacle as students with disabilities move into adolescence. An article entitled Special School Shame (Disability Now, January 1997) reported on a study, conducted by the Alliance for Inclusive Education, which evidenced that special schools are less likely than mainstream schools to enter their students for public examinations. According to the sample statistics, only 6 of the 85 special schools in the study (7 per cent) proceeded to compete in national exams. The reasoning was based on the assumption that children in special schools were unable to learn as well as their peers in regular education. Shah has also discussed inclusive education and cites a number of authors for example, Barnes (1991) has argued that inclusion plays a crucial role in the fight towards the abolition of discrimination and of disabled people being accepted as citizens of the social majority, he suggests that being educated in mainstream schools is positively related to the successful transition of people with disabilities into employment and wider society, although, being placed in mainstream school does not necessarily mean experiencing total inclusion. Inclusive education is more than just placing a disabled person in a mainstream school and providing extra support. Inclusion requires major changes within society to allow everyone to take part, interact and make choices. Young disabled people are less likely than their non-disabled counterparts to pursue academic subjects of their choice due to restrictions imposed by the physical environment. Burgess, (2003) believes that even now, mainstream schools are not fully accessible, as those responsible for developing inclusion still often think of accessibility as ramps and rails. Burgess also points out that discriminatory attitudes among teachers in mainstream schools have also been confirmed by UK education inspectors. A survey by the Department of Education and Science (DES), published in 1989, noted that the attitudes of some staff were patronising, while others were reluctant to work with disabled pupils. T hese attitudes were likely to be reproduced in the attitudes and behaviour of non-disabled students towards their disabled peers. The result of such attitudinal prejudice among peers may be critical. Haring, (1991) argues that peer acceptance is a primary outcome of schooling, with important outcomes for the quality of life of students with disabilities. (Shah, S, 2005) As Shah discusses arguments in favour of, and against segregation, it becomes clear that there are a number of authors that support both viewpoints, for example, Jenkinson (1979) argues that with smaller classes and higher teacher pupil ratios, special schools allow concentrated one-to-one attention and tuition which can be delivered at a level appropriate to each child’s needs, yet, at the same time, she also says that the small number of staff in special schools, along with their considerably limited, curricula expertise, restricts the range and content of the curriculum and feels the lack of training and experience of most special school teachers in the secondary curriculum to be a growing obstacle as students with disabilities move into adolescence. Barnes (1991) stresses that one of the principal functions of segregated education is to protect disabled children from the rough and tumble of the normal environment, at the same time, arguing, that being in a protective, segregated environment holds back disabled individuals from society. These contradictory views lead to the belief that the authors feel that special schools do have their place in society, but not to the detriment of those attending, as in the past. People are different and diverse, and what is suitable for one may not be suitable for another, in that, total inclusion in a mainstream school may be damaging for some pupils but more beneficial for others. Perhaps this is where mainstream schools which have a special unit can be beneficial. This can be construed as partial inclusion. Pupils attending the special units can have access to the mainstream curriculum, and social interaction with their more able peers, at the same time, those who simply could not cope with mainstream institutions have the benefit of the caring special unit, where they can still have access to a similar curriculum as that offered in mainstream, and feel protected and less vulnerable. Partial integration is often seen as combining the best of both worlds in special education: the student has access to special curriculum and small classes in the special school, while also having the opportunity to socialize and participate with non-disabled peers in extra-curricular activities that are not available in the special school. (Jenkinson, 1996, p 107-108) The school in which I work is one of 14 secondary schools within the Local Authority which have a special unit. Local Authority and school level Within the local authority in which I work, there are 4 special schools and, 14 secondary schools and 28 primary schools which have a unit for pupils with additional support needs. A primary or secondary school is identified as having an integrated special unit/class if the sole or main purpose of any class or other unit forming part of the school is to provide education specially suited to the additional support needs of children or young persons selected for attendance at the class or unit by reason of those needs. The School The school is a large rural secondary comprehensive school with a long tradition of excellence, and positive relationships with the local community. The school is sited in a wooded setting, once the grounds of a Castle. In 1979 the school catered for only 500 pupils; today more than 1,200 pupils attend the school and are supported by over 100 teaching staff. The school aims to ensure that all pupils, regardless of circumstance, be given every opportunity to succeed and attempt to achieve their full potential. The school Inclusion Policy states it is the intention to include as many children as possible into some aspects of a mainstream school day. The school can cater for all students in the catchment area except those who require daily hospital residential care. For a small number of pupils inclusion could mean that they are in the same school as mainstream children, have their break times and their lunch times with mainstream classes, and attend mainstream subjects taught by a mainstream teacher as part of their S.E.N. class. They would also be able to attend activities arranged for their year group such as induction days, assemblies and trips. For other pupils it will mean that they are included into mainstream classes for part of their week. Some pupils will be mostly taught in mainstream, with one or two subjects in the Additional Support department, and vice versa. The decision of how much inclusion or when inclusion is suitable will be made at each student’s annual review; or on their entry into the Special Education Department. This means that parents and professionals will decide together what is most appropriate for each child. Whatever decisions are made can be altered as and when appropriate. Each pupil’s needs will be assessed every year to ensure that past decisions are still appropriate. All students in the S.E.N. Department will have an IEP and annual review meetings will be held to discuss progress. The support for learning team in the school consists of: Additional Support Needs (ASN) Department, Learning Support Department (LS), Sensory Impairment Department (For Visual and Hearing Impairment), Promoting Education Pupil Support (PEPS), and Auxiliary Support. Additional Support Department: Support of pupils who are not full time mainstream because of mild to severe and complex learning difficulties and / or who for significant emotional, psychological or other reasons are unable to attend large mainstream classes. Learning Support Department: Support of pupils in our associated primary schools and secondary mainstream pupils with Specific Learning Difficulties and other Learning Difficulties. Supplementary Studies in S1 and S2 provides support with Literacy and Numeracy and Support Studies in S3 and 4 provide support with Standard Grade mainstream subjects. SFL Room 3: Support of mainstream pupils on the Autistic Spectrum who cannot access mainstream classes full time because of social and communication difficulties. Also used for Alternatives to Exclusion work. Promoting Education Pupil Support Department: Support of mainstream pupils with significant social, emotional and / or behavioural difficulties. This support is mostly in class but also appropriate 1:1 and group support provided within the PEPS department classroom Pupils may be supported across all subject areas and this can be in a variety of ways: Working with a Support Teacher as well as a Subject Teacher in class e.g. a Special Education, Learning Support, PEPS or Hearing Impairment Teacher working alongside the Subject Teacher to deliver the class lesson. More intensive support in small groups or on an individual basis with any of the SFL professionals. Following a short/ medium or longer term modified timetable to help explore strategies to assist pupils in developing study and learning skills. Working totally out with the mainstream class structure in specialised classes for support. Support by an auxiliary in a subject class. In addition to the above, the SFL team liaises with a wide range of outside agencies including: the social work department, the community education team, the educational psychology services, the police, the medical services, family support for workers. House and Guidance System Until this year, 1008, each pupil in the school belongs to one of seven House Groups, which are the responsibility of seven Principal Teachers of Guidance. Their role is to know well and support each pupil in their House, providing a focus for the pupil, parents/carers, and staff and outside school contacts. At all times they work towards promoting positive behaviour and positive relationships: working with pupils to set learning targets; reviewing and discussing overall progress and being a regular point-of-contact throughout their school career. Although the school Inclusion Policy states it is the intention to include as many children as possible, the pupils attending the AS department where placed in a separate Guidance house from the rest of the school. The registration group I was assigned to when I joined the school, consisted of a mixture of 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th years. There is an assembly held every week for each year group. The day and time for the assemblies is announced on a daily bulletin, and the days change each term. The assembly day and time for the 5th and 6th year has never included those pupils from the AS department. As part of my research I interviewed the Head Teacher about inclusion and he said that when he first started at the school, which was not long ago, he was horrified to find that there was a separate House for the pupils with additional needs. As from August 2008 there will be a new House System put into place, instead of 7 houses there will be 5. To promote the further integration and inclusion of pupils with additional support needs, all pupils will be assigned to a mainstream Registration Group, and House. The Head Teacher feels that Inclusion does not just mean integration; it means participation in all aspects. Promoting education The school has a whole school positive behaviour policy which provides the framework for classroom practice. There are school sanctions in place and these are: Official verbal warning. Move to another seat. Letter to parents. Send to Time Out Room Referral to Principal Teacher. Referral to Senior Staff. A key element of the behaviour policy is that the school does not accept any form of physical, verbal or emotional abuse, e.g. name calling, threatening behaviour or swearing. The school does recognize positively, that the vast majority of pupils, are a real credit to themselves, to the school and to their parents, and believes this should be recognized. Well Done slips are one method available to the staff at to communicate good news about an individual’ achievement. Pupils react positively to receiving these and value the recognition they bring. Pupils within my classroom The group of pupils I teach are in their 1st year at the school. Their additional needs include; social, emotional, behavioural, and difficulties in learning, understanding, listening, and following instructions. When incidents do occur in the classroom, the type of behaviour generally falls into one of three categories: Muttered or low-key threats, swearing or name-calling, chair/table tipping, refusal to co-operate with a group or another child or an adult, books or pencils swept off a table. Aggressive, verbal abuse with shouting directed towards another pupil or adult; objects such as a pencil or rubber thrown at someone or something. Physical aggression directed towards another child. When I first started at the school there were 9 pupils in my class. There are now 14. The additional 5 pupils have been reported as having difficulties in some subjects, and have therefore been removed from some mainstream lessons such as Science and Modern Languages, and placed in the AS Department. This seems to be more like exclusion rather than inclusion!

Friday, September 20, 2019

Diversity Incident Analysis :: essays research papers

Diversity Incident Analysis For this assignment, I chose to analyze the diversity incident that is related to multiculturalism. It’s the first case scenario in the exercises section of chapter 9. The case is related to a Mexican immigrant that has been using his available sick days to take his wife to the doctor, even though she is not ill; they are only going for regularly scheduled physical exams. This case involves multiculturalism, and it shows us how, by employing immigrant workers, an organization can start having all kinds of problems when the right policies and procedures regarding diversity and multicultural environments are not in place. â€Å"One of the difficulties of accommodating multiculturalism is that defining a multicultural society or institution seems to be determined by one's perspective. A commonly held view suggests that being multicultural involves tolerance towards racial and ethnic minorities, mainly in the areas of dress, language, food, religious beliefs, and other cultural manifestations.† Most organizations nowadays have to deal with multiculturalism in one way or another. The globalization phenomenon has reached most of the civilized world, and organizations that don’t understand or don’t realize multicultural workforces are the way of the future are going to be displaced and left behind. This case in particular involves a person using his sick days to take his wife to the doctor, even for just a scheduled check-up. Although company policy states that sick days may only be used for the illness of an employee or the illness of a member of his/her immediate family, this is a case where multiculturalism in the workplace plays a big role. Due to the fact that in the Mexican culture it’s the husband’s responsibility to take care of the well being of his wife and family, the employee sees his behavior as normal or allowed. On the other hand, the employee’s supervisor, a white male, sees the situation as a violation of the company policy and wants to take further action. But, what is the company’s human resources department supposed to do? In my opinion, the company should create a more detailed policy regarding sick days, one that takes into account the many different cultural factors that may affect the organization based on the diversity of the ir workforce. If a better detailed and ‘fair-to-all’ policy is put in place, little problems like this would be less frequent or inexistent. It’s the company’s responsibility to modify, add or create policies that are more inclusive and that can be interpreted in a way that seems fair to all participants, being employees, stakeholders and/orients.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

A Comparison of Generational Conflicts in The Kiss and Marriage Is a Pr

Generational Conflicts in The Kiss and Marriage Is a Private Affair      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   As a family's lineage develops, there may be apparent differences in the way of thinking, attitude, and devotion to tradition between the generations. These differences or developments can either build up friction between generations, or in some cases ultimately heal the discord between other generations. Both Julia Alvarez's contemporary short story, "The Kiss," and Chinua Achebe's classic "Marriage Is a Private Affair" reveal the conflict that can erupt when one generation of a family diverges from its traditional or family values.   Both accounts display differences in the way of thinking of the conflicting parties and touch upon the aspect of healing their generation gap by offering some kind of appeasement.    There is the major theme portrayed in both stories. In each, there is a forbidden marriage that comes about as a result of children disagreeing with and hence rebelling against the traditional customs or values of their family. The major protagonist in each account coincidentally is the father who goes to great extents to estrange the rebellious offspring. Despite the fact that each story is written within a different era and culture, they both exhibit the dominant male figure as the family head, with very little or no input on what is right for the family from any other member. The paternal figures are strongly opinionated and do not waver from what they believe should be the proper behavior of their children, resulting in conflicts between Papi and Sofia, and Okeke and Nnaemeka.    Foreshadowing of the main conflict in "The Kiss" is evident when Papi cautions his daughters by exclaiming, "I do not want ... ...s in real life situations, the birth of a child or in this case grandchildren, brings about pacification to feelings of dissension. The celebration of a new life, therefore, is far more important than any scuffle that might have hindered previous marital relationships, and both Achebe and Alvarez have proved this with their own unique styles.       Works Cited    Achebe, Chinua. "Marriage Is s Private Affair." Literature. 5th ed. Ed. Robert  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   DiYanni. New York: McGraw-Hill Higher Education, 2002. 253-257. Alvarez, Julia. "The Kiss." Literature. 5th ed. Ed. Robert DiYanni .  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   New York: McGraw-Hill Higher Education, 2002. 488-495. Atwood, Margaret.   "Happy Endings."   Literature.   5th ed.   Ed Robert DiYanni.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   McGraw-Hill Higher Education, 2002.   496-499.               

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Principle or Personal? Essay -- American History, Joseph MacCarthy

During the Cold War, members of the United States government, army, and even citizens were accused by Senator Joseph McCarthy of being Communist and Soviet spies and sympathizers. These trials persisted through the fifties until Senator McCarthy was excoriated by Congress. Similarly, during the seventeenth century, many inhabitants of Salem, Massachusetts were accused of witchcraft, with a total of nineteen hangings during what came to be called the Salem Witch Trials. These trials were conducted in a similar fashion as Senator McCarthy’s hearings, and many of these accusations were not fought because the circumstances of the time made these claims possible. Arthur Miller’s The Crucible sheds new light on the mysterious Salem Witch Trials and why so many of the small community were hanged. Though some Salemites believed the Devil had come to Salem, Miller’s The Crucible depicts the witch trials as motivated by personal interests of greed, jealousy, and pride. To cover their own personal want, some men of Salem, such as Mr. Putnam and Dr. Walcott, accuse men and women of witchcraft in an attempt to buy their land or receive some compensation once the land-holder is convicted. Mr. Putnam, a key example of the greed in Salem, first demonstrates his when Proctor says that he needs to leave Parris’ house to move wood in Act One. When Proctor tells Putnam that Proctor is dragging wood from the forest by the riverside, Putnam responds, â€Å"Why, we are surely gone wild this year. What anarchy is this? That tract is in my bounds, it’s in my bounds, Mr. Proctor† (30). This response prepares the audience for Act Three, for Putnam would later manipulate the judges caught up in the witchcraft craze to accuse a key land holder in an attempt to a... ...g to other villages, just as an actual crucible would do with glass heated to extreme temperatures. Despite this, mass hysteria has still occurred throughout the history of the United States, from the Senator McCarthy’s Communist trials of the seventies to even modern day, with many Americans drawing suspicions from stereotypes of terrorists. Though today’s suspicions often do not end in hangings, leading figures in society continue to exploit human nature’s emotions to get what these men desire. These influential men are motivated as the men of Salem were; greed drove them to acquire more; jealousy, for revenge; pride, for the sake of being right. Even if these influential men say they act out of principle versus personal reasons, such as those described previously, the opportunities for these men to exploit the people in a state panic will surely not go unused.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Behind the success of every organization there is a hand of its employees.

Executive SummaryEvery successful organisation ‘s basic strengths are its people working in it. Therefore every organisation tries to do their employees happy by giving them calling chances, good environment, civilization, personal development and promotion. In this study, we have performed a careful analysis of the people working of the taking Bankss in Pakistan ; Standard Chartered Bank Standard Chartered is a London-based Multi-national Bank focused on the emerging markets of Asia, Africa, the Middle East and Latin America. It has important operations in Hong Kong, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, India, Pakistan, and the United Arab Emirates and in Sub-Saharan Africa. The cardinal concerns are Consumer Banking ( chiefly recognition cards, mortgages, personal loans, and wealth direction ) and Sweeping Banking where the bank specializes in the proviso of hard currency direction, trade finance, exchequer and tutelary services. The group has a web of over 740 offices in more than 55 states and assets of about US $ 90 billion. With a presence in Asia and Africa that goes bank about 150 old ages, Standard Chartered has an in-depth apprehension of, and a long-run committedness to the emerging markets.MY AIM FOR THIS REPORTThe basic purpose of this study is to develop suited policies and schemes for the Bankss, which consequences in the high rate of productiveness and occup ation satisfaction, and lowers the rate of absenteeism and bend over.Introduction TOSTANDARD CHARTEREDIntroductionStandard Chartered is a transnational bank, focused on the established and emerging markets of Asia, Africa, the Middle East and Latin America with an extended planetary web of more than 570 offices in over 50 states and assets of about US $ 90 billion, using over 30,000 people. Through their planetary operation they migrate best banking pattern around the universe, presenting world-class merchandises and services in front of local competition. Their clients include private persons through to the largest corporations. The Bank serves both Consumer and Wholesale banking clients The Consumer Bank provides recognition cards, personal loans, mortgages, sedimentation pickings activity and wealth direction services to persons and medium sized concerns. The Wholesale Bank provides services to transnational, regional and domestic corporate and institutional clients in trade fina nce, hard currency direction, detention, loaning, foreign exchange, involvement rate direction and debt capital markets. They are the bank of pick for many major multinationals. With about 150 old ages in the emerging markets the Bank has unmatched cognition and apprehension of its clients in its markets. The three principal concern groups are Global Markets, Consumer Banking and Corporate and Institutional Banking.AimStandard Chartered ‘s chief aim is to offer outstanding value to their clients by supplying a knowing, efficient and dependable service in a personal, helpful and antiphonal mode. Cardinal to this service doctrine is their professional consultative attack, which they take with each client. By acquiring to cognize their clients better, they identify their demands and fit them with bespoke quality merchandises and service solutions. To set it merely, they are committed to doing today ‘s complex fiscal universe easier for their clients.Employee RELATIONSHIP ATSTANDARD CHARTEREDEmployee RELATIONSHIPStandard Chartered ‘s repute is critical by being the universe ‘s prima emerging markets bank. The saving and sweetening of that repute depends upon their concerns runing to the highest criterions of ethical behavior. They face a peculiar challenge to continue consistent criterions of behavior while at the same clip esteeming the civilization and varying concern imposts of all the states in which they operate. The rules that govern the behavior of their concern and employees are reflected in a Group Code of Conduct. The Group Code of Conduct is a practical working papers, which guides employees through the many hard behavior issues that confront them on a day-to-day footing. Complying with each component of the Code will non ever be easy but they recognize that they will be judged non merely by what is set out in the Code but on how this is reflected in their twenty-four hours to twenty-four hours activities and the behavior of all of them. The cardinal elements in Group Code of Conduct are: Local Laws & A ; Group Standards Confidentiality & A ; Data Protection Suitable Merchandises Money Washing Insider Trading Bribery & A ; Corruption Gifts & A ; Entertainment Conflicts of Interest Covering in Standard Chartered Shares Talking Up Standard Chartered selects its employees on the footing of accomplishments, cognition and endowment. They are committed to supplying equality of chance to all employees, irrespective of sex, race, nationality, age, disablement, cultural beginning, matrimonial position or sexual orientation. They are committed non merely to supplying equality of chance to all employees, but besides placing what alone strengths each single brings to the functions they carry out and the development of these strengths. They provide their employees with Opportunities to develop in their current functions, move into new functions and work in different locations and concerns. Role vacancies are advertised internally. They recruit the most gifted persons from the external market to supplement their internal grapevine of endowment. They have besides created planetary endowment direction and sequence planning processes to assist develop their high possible employees. Their Human Resources section provides counsel on the usage of psychometric trials and has robust enlisting standards to guarantee that all campaigners are treated reasonably, every bit and with regard. Standard Chartered has a planetary Graduate Recruitment Programme ; where in the part of 150 alumnuss are recruited each twelvemonth on a direction trainee programme across all concerns, maps and states. When staff start their employment, they are issued with an offer missive which clearly states their footings and conditions of service. All new staff goes through an initiation procedure. Each state has Human Resources policies and processs to assist and steer directors. Examples of these would be disciplinary and grudge processs. These guarantee that staffs are treated reasonably in times of difference. The planetary codification of behavior provides counsel to staff on what are acceptable criterions of behavior.EMPLOYEE – Employer ISSUES ATEMPLOYEE – Employer ISSUES AT STANDARD CHARTERED AND ASKARI COMMERCIAL BANKISSUES AT HUMAN RESOURCE DEPARTMENTISSUE # 1:Supplying equality of chance to all employeesSTRATEGY IMPLEMENTED BY STANDARD CHARTERED:Standard Chartered selec ts employees based on cognition, accomplishments and endowment. They are committed to supply equality of chance to all employees, irrespective of sex, race, nationality, age, disablement, cultural beginning, matrimonial position or sexual orientation. They are committed non merely to supplying equality of chance to all employees, but besides placing what alone strengths each single brings to the functions they carry out and the development of these strengths. They provide their employees with chances to develop in their current functions, move into new functions and work in different locations and concerns. Role vacancies are advertised internally.Suggestion:No Biased Policy:There is no colored policy or favoritism among employees. All the employees should be given same chances based on their public presentation and ability. This increases the degree of motive among employees.Delegating Undertakings:By delegating different undertakings to different employees, harmonizing to their ab ility and place, at the terminal of every twelvemonth, which should ensue as a calling, promotion will do the employees more cognizant of their abilities and public presentation. This will take to the equality of chances, as all the employees will come to cognize about their abilities and where they stand.ISSUE # 2:Motivation degree of employeesSTRATEGY IMPLEMENTED BY STANDARD CHARTERED:Standard Chartered follows a specific motive procedure for their employees. In this procedure, they evaluate the public presentation of each employee at the terminal of twelvemonth and rate the as: Outstanding: Those employees who have performed highly good, even more than they were required to. They are rewarded through Awards and publicities at the terminal of twelvemonth. Co bookworm: Those employees who have performed efficient work and little more than they were required to. They are rewarded through pecuniary wagess and benefits.Competent:Those employees who have performed their responsibilities harmonizing to the demands non more or less than it. They are normally motivated to work more difficult through word of oral cavity assessments such as â€Å"well done† , â€Å"keep it up† and etc.Suggestion:Management By Objectives ( MBO ) :Employees can besides be motivated through MBO. Management by aims ( MBO ) is a plan that emphasizes participative on puting ends that are touchable, verifiable and mensurable. Four ingredients are common in MBO plans ; end specificity, participative decision-making, an expressed clip period and public presentation feedback. Execution of these ingredients consequences in employee motive.Behaviour Modification Model or OB MOD:OB MOD is plans where directors identify public presentation related employee behaviors and so implement an intercession scheme to beef up desirable public presentation behaviors and weaken unwanted behaviors. The first measure in OB MOD, hence, is to place the critical behavior that make a important impact on employee ‘s occupation public presentation. The 2nd measure requires the director to develop some baseline public presentation informations. The 3rd measure is to execute a functional analysis to place the behavioral eventualities or effects of public presentation. The concluding measure in OB MOD is to measure public presentation betterment.Employee Engagement:Employee engagement is a participative procedure that uses the full capacity of employees and is designed to promote increased committedness to the organisations success. The implicit in logic is that by affecting workers in those determinations that affect so and by increasing their liberty and control over their work lives, employees will go more motivated, more committed to the organisation, more product ive and more satisfied with their occupations.Participative Management:A procedure where subordinates portion a important grade of decision-making power with their immediate higher-ups.Representative Management:A procedure in which workers participate in organisational determination doing through a little group of representative employees.Quality Circles:A work group of eight to ten employees and supervisors who have shared country of duty. They meet on a regular basis typically one time a hebdomad, on company clip and on company premises – to discourse their quality jobs, investigate causes of jobs, urge solutions, and take disciplinary actions.Employee Stock Ownership Plans:Employee stock ownership programs are company-established benefit programs in which employees get stock as portion of their benefits.ISSUE # 3:Effective communicating procedureSTRATEGY IMPLEMENTED BY STANDARD CHARTERED:At Standard Chartered when staff start their employment, they are issued with an offer missive which clearly states their footings and conditions of service. All new staff goes through an initiation procedure. Each state has Human Resources policies and processs to assist and steer directors. Examples of these would be disciplinary and grudge processs. These guarantee that staffs are treated reasonably in times of difference. The planetary codification of behavior provides counsel to staff on what are acceptable criterions of behavior.Suggestion:The CEO Must be Committed To The Importance Of Communication:The most important factor in a successful employee-communications plan is the main executives leading. He or She must be philosophically and behaviourally committed to the impression that pass oning with employees is indispensable to the accomplishment of ends. If the organisations senior executive is committed to communication through his or her words and actions, it trickles down to the remainder of organisation.Directors Match Actions and Wordss:Closely related t o CEO support is managerial action. As we have noted, action speaks louder than words. When the implicit messages that directors send contradict the official messages as conveyed in formal communications, the directors lose credibleness to employees. Employees will listen to what direction has to state sing alterations being made and where the company is traveling. But duplicate actions must endorse these words.ISSUE # 4:Learning and developmentSTRATEGY IMPLEMENTED BY STANDARD CHARTERED:As a first organisation, Standard Chartered recognizes that it is indispensable to hold the best people equipped with the right accomplishments and cognition to execute their functions to the highest criterions. They want gifted professionals, who seek self-development chances including go oning professional development. In return they offer first-class preparation and development. Standard Chartered has a planetary Graduate Recruitment Programme ; where in the part of 150 alumnuss are recruited each twelvemonth on a direction trainee programme across all concerns, maps and states. They focus development on where they believe they will acquire the greatest return, by developing employees ‘ strengths. They utilize a full portfolio of larning resource such as in house programmes, external suppliers, on the occupation preparation and computer-based preparation. They sponsor employees for professional makings on a portion clip footing, every bit good as in their ain clip. They have Learning Resource Centres in major locations. Other Centres are being developed and will supply employees with the chance to update their accomplishments on assorted package bundles use the Intranet, the Internet and derive entree to books.Suggestion:Developing Training Plan:Its estimated that more than 90 per centum of all organisations have some type of systematic preparation plan but those can merely be effectual if they offer a theoretical account to catch the trainees attending ; provide motiv ational belongingss ; assist the trainee file off what he or she has learned for subsequently usage ; provide chances to pattern new behaviors ; offer positive wagess for achievements and if the preparation has taken topographic point off the occupation, let the trainee some chance to reassign what he or she has learned to the occupation.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Macro Level Factors in an External Environment

MEMO To: Vice President John Doe From: Kathy Brewster-lee Subject: macro level factors in an external environment Date: November 20, 2012 Hello Mr. Doe, It is my understanding that the large presentation on social networking is quickly approaching and a brief memo discussing how macro level factors in an external environment have impacted the structure of the online social networking industry in the global marketplace is required. In order for that to be done properly there is some information that needs to be addressed.Just what are Macro environment factors; they are uncontainable external forces that influence how a company operates. They are essentially out of the control of the company, and it often requires a change in the operating, management, production, and marketing of the company. They are often called PEST or PESTEL. PEST stands for Political, Economic, Social, and Technological concerns and PESTEL has the same definitions for the pest but it also includes Environmental and Legal factors. Associated essay: KFC Planning, Organizing, Leading and ControllingPolitical macro environment factors encompass of effects such as tax policies, government-issued safety guidelines, the accessibility of government contracts, as well as the modifications in the governing political party. International laws, for instance trade agreements and tariffs, can influence the supply and demand chains also obtainable markets for several diverse corporations too. A market boom, recession, or growing increase delinquency can all modify the method an institute tactics for the opportunity as well as functions in the present-day.Economic factors exist frequently complicated to consider, because economic forecasts and analyses differ widely among professionals. Unemployment levels, comparative foreign exchange rates, and the condition of the global economy can completely assist otherwise damage a business' capability to get required constituents and preserve a stable profit. The mood and demographic s of the inhabitants can create the formation of the social area of macro environment factors.Social trends, such as a predilection for on-demand transportable media devices, can correspondingly persuade which products a company manufacturers and where it chooses to spend its advertising dollars. Technological macro environment dynamics can affect how a company ensures business. An innovative kind of machinery, computer chip, or products produced through research and improvement can help a corporation stay updated and at the forefront of the market curve. Holders must be able to precisely identify which new developments will be useful, as well as which be situated as just a trend.With environmental concerns they exist significant to businesses in cooperation in the short and long term of them. In the short-term things similar to natural disasters, can interrupt the production and supply operations or even extinguish a company’s assets. Programs for instance environmental risk assessment can assistance companies to arrange to handle most probable short-term crises. In the long view, businesses may have an interest in ensuring that their supply chains are not destroyed by unsustainable practices. Legal factors can limit or change how a business operates.As an example they may include to employ additional supervisory employees or acquire safety equipment following a new health and safety law that could have passed. Legal factors are determined in cooperation of local legislation, regional and national laws. In some cases, companies that do dealings internationally can also be affected by international laws. Reference: What Are Macro Environment Factors? From http://www. wisegeek. com/what-are-macro-environment-factors. htm Cachia, R (2008) Social Computing: Study on the Use and Impact of Online Social Networking From http://ftp. jrc. es/EURdoc/JRC48650. pdf

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Proper Paragraphing

PJgQP. BR PARAGRAPHING V^ 1. Remember to always indent your paragraph. 2. Begin with a topic sentence which makes a general statement about what is to follow in your paragraph. This topic sentence controls and limits what can be discussed in the remainder of the paragraph. 3. After you have chosen a good topic sentence, you need to develop the idea into a well-organized paragraph. One way to do this is to use very specific examples that support whatever statement is made in the topic examples in each paragraph. efoutfxuj te, asJcad -fo use, mofc) 4. Every example needs to be followed with an explanation. f how the example helps illustrate the point of vour paragraph. It is never wise to just list the examples and not provide any explanation. sentence. It is wise for you to use at least three . 5 End the paragraph with a sentence that summarizes and concludes the paragraph or the point you are trying to make in your paragraph. This sentence is referred to as a concluding sentence. It signals to the reader that you have said all you are going to say about the topic you are examining in the paragraph. ^^ 6. 7. Remember that a paragraph deals with one main idea and ne topic – not a series of unrelated events and/or topics. As always, you need to be careful about spelling and grammar. IN REVIEW: †¢ a paragraph should be about one topic only. When you need to change topics, create a new paragraph. †¢ your topic sentence should tell your reader exactly what your paragraph is going to be about †¢ each example you use (and you generally will be asked to use at least three examples per paragraph) needs to be backed up by a clear explanation †¢ you must end your paragraph with a concluding sentence †¢ always indent your paragraph and check your spelling ^J and grammar. > i i ‘t i a r; PARAGRAPH OUTLINE w TOPIC SENTENCE: POINT #1: EVIDENCE (INCLUDE CONTEXT FOR QUOTATION); EXPLANATION (HOW DOES EVIDENCE PROVE POINT? ): ^; POINT#2i EVID ENCE: EXPLANATION: POINT # 3: w EVIDENCE: EXPLANATION: CONCLUDING SENTENCE (RELATE WHAT YOU HAVE PROVEN TO TOPIC SENTENCE): r) o ENGLISH – grade 9 and 10 Rubric ~ PARAGRAPH EVALUATION w LR Absent â€Å"V /3 ~ m ^ k -W,  «Ã¢â‚¬ Ã¢â‚¬ ¢* LI Limited L2 Some L3 Considerable L4 Thorough †¢ ,-* Knowledge Clear, focused interesting ideas 0-2 2. 5-3 3. 5-4. 5 5-6. 5 7-7. 5 -Ideas support topic entence -Understanding of topic Thinking (Inquiry) 0-3 -Insights, support -Logical coherent argument -Ideas are interrelated -Relevant evidence to 3. 5-4 4. 5-5. 5 6-7. 5 8-9 support ideas w Communication 0-3 3. 5-4 4. 5-5. 5 6-7. 5 8-9 -Style -Coherence – Purpose is clear -Appropriate and effective use of language -Flow of ideas -Precise, clear choice of words Application 0-1. 5 -Unity, organization -Command of paragraph form (topic/conclusion) -Grammar,spelling,punctuation -Smooth transitions w 2. 5-3 3. 5 4-4. 5 -Requires no editing/error-frce

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Why slavery was abolished

There are many things that have created slavery but also many things to abolish it. Historians have identified a number of factors that contributed to the abolition of slavery, but here are the most important ones that I will talk about in this essay; middle class whites, black slaves, working class whites and economics. The white middle class people played a huge part in the abolition of slavery. William Wilberforce was a highly respected MP; he played a huge part in the abolition by forming a group opposing slavery. He campaigned by making lots of speeches and studied the terrible conditions on board the slave ships. Granville Sharp was a surgeon in east London, when he met a slave named Jonathan Strong. Strong had been whipped and badly beaten by his master David Lisle. Sharp took him to hospital where he recovered. Strong was working as a healthy messenger boy when Lisle had him recaptured. When Sharp heard of this, he took Lisle to court to regain Strong his freedom. Sharp won the case and it got him a lot of good publicity, which Sharp later used, for his further campaigns. William Pitt was a prime minister at the time and he also heavily opposed slavery, he got parliament to make the law that to improve conditions on the plantations in the West Indies but unfortunately this had very little effect. Josiah Wedgwood was the younger son of Thomas Wedgwood. Josiah created a plaque to try and change people's minds about slavery, the plaque was of a black slave in chains and around the sides read: ‘Am I not a man or a brother?' This saying helped abolish slavery because it made people realise that slaves are human beings and are men or brothers not cargo. He also joined with Thomas Clarkson and Granville Sharp to form the society for the abolition of the slave trade. It was not just the middle class whites but also the working class whites too, they signed thousands of petitions to abolish slavery and in 1814 1.5 million people signed a petition. Lots of speeches were made after work outside on the streets. Usually there would be huge groups of workers all gathered round to hear debates. After the law in 1807 abolished the slave trade, middle class whites still kept on protesting until slavery was abolished altogether. Slavery was also abolished because the money that was being made from it was decreasing rapidly. Adam Smith who was an economist said that slaves who are forced to work for free would put very little effort into there work but if they had something to be motivated by like a pay check they would want to work harder for more money, this results in better business because more work is being done. As time went by places apart from the West Indies, started producing sugar. Places like Cuba and Jamaica made their sugar very cheap and did not have slaves to do the work. This forced a lot of the British sugar plantations in the West Indies to close down, which brought a reduction in the demand for slaves. The black slaves themselves also took upon there human rights and helped to abolish slavery. Lots of black slaves who worked in Britain started to demand wages from their owners and to be treated like normal servants. Some slave owners would have taken this badly and the slave would have been beaten. This would have only caused the slave owner more trouble by being taken to court by his slave so the slave could fight for his/her freedom. The slave would do this by getting help from someone like Granville Sharp. In every case the judges made a different decision each time because the judges did not want to seem biased. The black slaves who worked in the sugar plantations in the West Indies, did not have the chance to go to court so they rebelled! One of the biggest rebellions was at the British plantation of St Domingue; the slaves killed their owners and set fire to all the sugar canes. British troops were sent out to stop them but the slaves defeated them. This made the British see how badly the slaves wanted freedom. Olaudah Equiano probably had the biggest impact on the abolition of slavery. He was a slave who brought his own freedom and wrote his autobiography on his past experiences as a slave. This turned many people against slavery and Olaudah soon found he working with the likes of Wilberforce. He also helped slaves gain their freedom and brought cases like the zong to the public's attention. Some people like Elizabeth Heyrick only played a small part in the abolition but they still got something done. In 1824 Elizabeth Heyrick published her pamphlet immediate not gradual abolition. In her pamphlet Heyrick argued in favour of the immediate freedom of the slaves in the British colonies. This was different from the official policy of the anti slavery society that believed in gradual abolition. The leadership of the organisation attempted to stop information about the existence of this pamphlet and William Wilberforce gave out instructions for leaders of the movement not to speak at women's anti-slavery societies. At the conference in May 1830, the anti slavery society agreed to drop the words â€Å"gradual abolition† from its title. It also agreed to support Elizabeth heyrick's plan for a new campaign to bring about immediate abolition. The following year the anti slavery society presented a petition to the House of Commons calling for the â€Å"immediate freeing of newborn children of slaves†. As you can see slavery was abolished for so many reasons but what I think the most significant are a combination of the middle class whites and Olaudah Equiano. These were what I think the most important factors where because firstly the middle class whites like Wilberforce where very highly respected people and were the sort not to be ignored at parliament. I think especially Wilberforce because him being an MP meant that parliament would listen to what he had to say which they would not do with a working class white for example. Olaudah Equiano played a big part because he spoke about slavery from a personal experience and when something as bad as the horrific tales of slavery has come straight from a person who has experienced it has a greater effect rather then if it came from a MP who had not experienced it.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Oral health condition of the Maya community Essay

Oral health condition of the Maya community - Essay Example The results of the study showed that missing teeth correlated significantly with age. Gender, religion, income, and education levels were not related significantly related to missing teeth. The samples used had restored their teeth using amalgamated fillings, bridges, full dentures or crowns. Periodontal diseases occur in four stages; 1. Color change on gums, 2. Gums bleed, 3. Gums become sensitive, 4. Oral lesions appear. 45 % of the respondents showed two or more signs while 10% showed all the signs. 16% of the participants showed five symptoms of temporomandibular joint dysfunction. Most of the respondents did not have access to preventive health. Instead, they used reactionary care that is the extraction of teeth either by themselves or by minimally educated participants. Interviewees had different reactions on tooth extraction. However, a larger percentage preferred tooth extraction since it eliminated acute pain. 54 respondents were aware that failing to brush their teeth was a cause of their teeth problems. The level of healthcare among the respondents was dependent on their income level. The respondents either visited an odontology or a dentist depending on how much money they had. The condition in the two differed in terms of qualification of the doctor, equipment, workspace and even aesthetic appearance of the facility. Some respondents found it expensive to purchase toothbrushes. Moreover, they could not afford dental care and thus waited until their teeth fell off.

Thursday, September 12, 2019

CRITICAL MANAGEMENT PERSPECTIVES Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

CRITICAL MANAGEMENT PERSPECTIVES - Essay Example It is also important to have human skills in order to incorporate the views of other people and manage them well; this will also ensure that the people work towards a common goal within the organization (Alvesson et al., 2009, p. 200). Therefore, critical management is determined to harmonize the workplace, through ensuring that the employees and facilities are managed well and working conditions improved. In order to ascertain this, managers need to rely on management theory and practice in order to deal with the complexities and ambiguity of organizations. These management theories and practices deal with construction of models based on observations, to try and manage business activities (Carr, 2000, pp. 210). In addition, the practices of management also deals real life experiences of the manager within an organization. This paper therefore seeks to critically evaluate the impact of ambiguity, complexity, and uncertainty on how the organization is managed. Additionally, the paper will demonstrate a critical understanding of management practice and theory, ability to identify and evaluate vital assumptions in the ideology of management, and analyze and evaluate organization and management theory and appraise the application of management theory in organizational contemporary contexts. Management is a process of working with and through people. Organizations need effective management in order to maximize their production under the prevailing conditions of scarce resources. Managers need to shift their focus to the contemporary issues of organizations such as the ambiguity, uncertainty, and complexity of organizations. It is also important for upcoming managers to exhibit a critical understanding of management practice and theory. In addition, ability to identify and evaluate the major assumptions of management ideology and evaluating the theories of organization and management in its application to the wide range of contemporary contexts; will enable managers maximize the potential of their organizations in working under the uncertainties and complexities of organizations.. It is in this regard that this paper is written. Management and organization theory and practice concept Several theories of management and organization can be used in ascertaining effective management of organizations. These will help in solving the recurring issues, challenges and problems within the organization. According to Aven & Renn (2010, p. 190 100) among the effective management theories for effective management of organization’s uncertainties, ambiguity and complexity is the scientific management theory that was founded by Taylor; this theory states that management needs to ensure proper planning of organizational activities in order to achieve optimum productivity and efficiency. This productivity and efficiency can be realized when the management relates well with the employees who form major part of the organization. The theory also asserts that employees be trained using scientific methods in order to avoid conflict with the management. The graduate manager may also employ the bureaucratic approach as described by Max Weber in managing the mentioned uncertainty, ambiguity, and complexity of the organization. According to Alvesson et al., (2009) the bureaucratic approach by Max Weber, is vital in centralizing the structure of management. According to the theory, democracy should spearhead the practices within the organ

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

International Tourism Marketing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words - 1

International Tourism Marketing - Essay Example This number represented a growth of 6.6 percent when compared to that of 2009. Receipts for international tourism grew by $919 billion in 2010, a number that corresponded to a rise in real terms of 4.7 percent (Corigliano and Baggio, 2004:301). Many countries around the world used to depend solely on other means of generating income. Introduction However, as time went by and economic analysts realized what tourism and its related businesses could do for a country’s growth, they initiated measures that aimed at encouraging intensive investment in tourism. In contrast to those other economic activities, tourism bases on competitive advantages and has the potent ability of creating additional income, growth, and job opportunities for many decades to come (Au, 2010:4). Estimates depict that international tourist arrivals will be more than 1.6 billion in 2020. International tourism suffered a setback due to the terrorist attacks that took place on September 11 that pushed the US ec onomy and indeed many others into recession. The September 11 terrorism attacks led to erosion of consumer confidence in travel (Akehurst, 2009:52). This traumatic blow delivered directly to the US tourism and leisure travel as well as domestic travel had no comparison even to the Kosovo or the Gulf War. As a result, the US economy took longer than projected as opposed to Germany and Britain (Fayal and Garrard, 2005:47). Given the tremendous results of international tourism as well as the possible challenges affecting its growth, this paper will seek to analyze the significance of social media in international tourism marketing. As of today, the behavior of consumers in tourism is different due to the hyperactive competition, digitization of the world economy, and the effects of globalization. This trend is becoming a multidimensional concept whereby people view it as an outcome of a dynamic system based on relations between the processes involved in motivation, attitude, effective manifestation, information, and perception (Corigliano and Baggio, 2004:302). With this respect, to research certain dimensions those are congruent to consumer behavior in international tourism in order to determine the consumption and purchasing pattern of the respective customers is essential. This helps in tailoring and catering for the customers’ needs and wants, which in turn translates to return or repeat business (Akehurst, 2009:53). As this essay depends highly on international tourism market and the diversity ascribing to this market, this sector requires bidders to put much focus niche marketing. Simultaneously, market segmentation becomes a subject with an attractive strategy, viability, and high as well as potential rates of profitability in this framework. The role of marketing research in international tourism market segmentation With the main objective of every company being to satisfy their customers, companies with a strong orientation pay special attention t o the behavior of consumers whereby they capitalize on the information that they obtain with the view of attracting new customers and retaining the existing ones (Corigliano and Baggio, 2004:303). In this context, it is agreeable that the complexity of international tourism marketing puts more emphasis on the importance for market segmentatio

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Gender Discrimination Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Gender Discrimination - Term Paper Example There are different contexts that sexual  discrimination  may  arise  (Ayres, p 65). For example, an employee attending an  interview  may be asked discriminatory questions, or an  employer  wrongfully terminated or did not  promote  an employee based on their sexual affiliations, an employer failing to hire an employee, or an employer pays  unequal  remunerations based on gender. Another instance is in an educational  setting  whereby there might be claims of a student  being left  out on  educational  institution, opportunity, program, student loan, scholarship, or student  group  due to their gender. In a housing setting, instances may be declined the right to negotiate on seeking a  house, leasing or contracting a  house  based on their sex. In a bank setting, an individual may be offered  unequal  loan terms or their  plea  for loans rejected based on their gender. Whereas there may be assertions of non-physical disparity bet ween men and women, academic  literature  based on gender find only a limited  amount  of characteristics that are similar psychological differentials, between women and men, these are directly in relation to experiences pegged on biological discrepancies (Gunderson, p129). There are  psychological  variations regarding to how problems, emotional reactions and perceptions relating to hormones, and the relevant characteristics of each sex during the long-term  function  in  historic  primitive  lifestyles. According to the United Nations, women more often than not  face  a â€Å"glass ceiling† and that no societies are available whereby women enjoy equal opportunities as men (Gregory, p82). The term describes a  distinguished  barrier  to progress in employment based on sex discrimination. In 1995, the Glass Ceiling Commission, a United Sates government financially funded group regardless of the fact that women  are awarded  over 50% of all masters degrees, 95% of senior managers, of over 1000  industrial  and 500 service companies are of the male gender. The  commission  recommended affirmative action in their report which considers employee’s race and gender.  while hiring and promoting employees, This is to  eradicate  this discrimination (Gregory p83).  In 2008, as a result of this move, 51% of all workers in well- paying professional, management, and related occupations were women. They were a larger number than men in occupations such as  financial  managers, public relations managers, and human resource managers. Transgender individuals, both female to male and male to female face difficulties which  eventually  result  to underachievement, dismissals,  difficulty  in job searching, social isolation, and sometimes violent attacks (Cohn, p74). However, gender discrimination is not only revealing itself with women or in transgender individuals. Men are also sometimes victimized on the basis of sex in certain fields of  employment  such as office administration and childcare settings conventionally assumed to be â€Å"women’s jobs†. Other ways in which gender  discrimination  may reveal itself is through an employee claims that a manager or another individual in power makes statements or jokes that are  insulting, demeaning, or offensive to women (McLean, Sheila, and Noreen, p68). Another instance is a  case  of a  manager  who clarifies through his words or actions that he has

Dominant Cultures and Subcultures Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Dominant Cultures and Subcultures - Essay Example Subcultures are mainly possessed by minority groups in the society and, therefore, have little or no influence to the dominant culture. Understanding the impact of culture is essential since one is able to learn people’s behavior. In essence, understanding the impact of culture facilitates proper planning of activities. In addition, one can study the behavior of others and make a proper judgment regarding people’s ethics. There are various avenues where cultural differences are clearly shown in the society, for instance, on religious matters and social structures. In many instances, people in the society have varied religious faiths and believe in different social constructions. Dominant cultures seem to control the political, socio-cultural and economic structures in the society. These differences in cultural constructions stress the need for comprehensive studies on culture diversity in order to know how to live harmoniously in a cultural diversified society. In order to embrace cultural diversity, the society should accept all cultures and provide a common ground for both the dominant and subcultures. In addition, proper education structures should be developed so that members of the society can learn the importance of cultural diversity. In summary, cultural diversity is an important feature for steering development in any community. In this regard, diversity should be encouraged in all spheres of