Wednesday, July 31, 2019

New Deal Essay

1932. Famine and homelessness afflicted millions across the country. Small shanty-towns called â€Å"Hoovervilles† popped up on the outskirts of towns and in the open areas of cities, and served as home to the most downtrodden of society. Over nine thousand banks had gone bankrupt since 1929, along with them millions of dollars that had been entrusted to their care. Franklin D. Roosevelt inherited the leadership of a nation containing thirteen million unemployed living in utter poverty.Although criticized by his political contemporaries for the vague nature of his â€Å"New Deal,† FDR came into office with a vision that, if employed effectively, would boost people’s confidence in the economy and lift the spirits of millions nationwide. â€Å"The New Deal† may have only been marginally effective in repairing the economic woes of the United States on a pure numbers basis, but it ultimately succeeded in stabilizing the â€Å"depression† in America. In my analysis, the success of the New Deal rested in the positive psychological ramifications it manifested nationwide.The New Deal brought about lasting changes in government policy, and the way Americans would perceive the federal government. According to William E. Leuchtenburg, FDR came into office after a â€Å"lame duck† session that had lasted from February to December that had only weakened the public’s already low perception of Congress. Further, American and European observations at the outset of FDR’s presidency remarked that the common, jobless poor seemed to have lost all vigor for life; listless and calmly accepting their fates, rather than taking to the streets in violent protest.Unlike their European contemporaries, the American people felt simply defeated and hopeless, without the agency to force positive change. President Hoover tried repeatedly (unsuccessfully) to coerce the President-elect into accepting his view of the Depression as well, whil e FDR carefully built a â€Å"brains trust† of intellectuals, theorists, and colleagues to develop the New Deal into a tangible program when he took office.A major obstacle to implementing New Deal programs was a strong push from the Republican side for a return to a Smithian laissez-faire society with traditional values and a myriad of small businesses controlling the bulk of the economy. New Dealers maintained that this idyllic trip down memory lane was mere illusion, and the best way to solve the country’s economic woes was to foster business-government cooperation with an emphasis on balance. As the first part of the New Deal, in the first 100 days, the FDR dministration’s goal was to restore hope and courage to the American people, and stop economic hemorrhaging. In early March, FDR issued a (legally questionable) presidential edict to proclaim a national bank holiday to protect both the banks from mass withdrawal runs and the national treasury. FDR address ed Hoover’s financial advisers’ and the deficit hawks’ concerns through the introduction of the Economy Act, which cut $500 million total out of veterans’ pensions and federal employees’ salaries in order to balance the â€Å"regular† federal budget.FDR sent the Emergency Banking Act to Congress on March 9, 1933, effectively reopening 75% of Federal Reserve Banks, and granted authority to large banking institutions to purchase smaller banks, but with strictly defined rules and regulations. As part of the act, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation was established to provide insurance on banking deposits up to $2500, effectively ending the risk of bank runs. Alcohol once again was sold legally on April 7, 1933 after FDR requested Congress to pledge an early end to Prohibition, and the American people began to become reassured in financial recovery with help from FDR’s â€Å"fireside chats. The Thomas Act gave FDR the authority to i nflate money and take the dollar off the gold standard, effectively allowing the economy to expand and diversify. The Securities Act of 1933 created the Securities and Exchange Commission, charged with the regulation of the stock market, correcting excesses in the banking system and the stock market, and maintaining the disclosure of financial statements. All of the aforementioned programs were simply the beginning of the New Deal, but they were necessary for facilitating social, political, and economic change in the United States.The Agricultural Adjustment Act placed limits on competitive farming, reduced crop production through artificial scarcity ensuring agricultural price inflation and padding the pockets of farmers. The AAA also paid farmers subsidies to leave farm lands uncultivated by introducing tax penalties on overproduction. This led to the slaughter of over six million piglets, unfortunately. The AAA was widely unpopular among the American public according to Gallup po lls of the time, and the Supreme Court ultimately declared it unconstitutional; that the state did not have the legal right to control the means of agricultural production.Proponents of the second New Deal introduced new legislation in FDR’s second term to provide government subsidies on lands that were used to plant soil enriching crops rather than commodities. The FERA, CWA, CCC, the WPA, NYA, NRA, PWA, and TVA were all created as part of the relief legislation to get the unemployed back to work, regardless of cost. All the relief works programs especially the CCC were designed to organize a labor force and literally create an â€Å"Army† of working men, provide them with jobs, discipline, food, and shelter while creating infrastructure support nationally through public works projects.These programs were drastically inefficient and dragged the federal deficit even deeper into debt, but they improved the morale of the population by putting millions back to work, and t hey were politically popular, giving FDR the edge to be reelected. New Deal programs were ideal for fostering active political engagement for African Americans, and gave people the strength to organize to let their voices be heard. NAACP membership was dramatically on the rise, and Eleanor Roosevelt’s tireless work for the advancement of racial equality helped spur the movement onward.Greenburg points out that the intentions of the New Deal programs at face value were designed to be racially equal, but the application of those programs brought out the discrimination that was prevalent in society at the time, especially the south. The biggest problem associated with African Americans and the New Deal was that the New Deal officials offering relief to the public only saw the need to assist whites, and that blacks had not established a greater need for assistance. Why? Good old fashioned racism, that’s why. According to Greenberg, African Americans hadn’t fallen th at far during the economic crash though.Even though African Americans had been legally free for near 80 years, they still lived in desperate poverty, and hadn’t reached the levels of financial success achieved by their white counterparts. African Americans generally didn’t own the houses they lived in, worked the least-paying and least-desirable jobs, and essentially had lived in their own economic depression long before the stock market crash of 1929. In the post-Bellum South, a quarter of African American people were categorized as illiterate, as education was not readily available for them due to racial pressures and antiquated Jim Crow laws.Southern blacks lived in more destitute poverty than most other Americans during the depression due to their already horrible lot in life. A majority of Southern blacks were sharecroppers, and didn’t even own the land they were farming. The decline of Agricultural commodities lowered farm prices more and more, until the t enant farmers were literally tending to the fields to do nothing more than lose more money, as the landowners claimed all of the subsidies from the AAA.Wealth was not well-distributed in the south, and they found that opportunity lay in urban centers especially to the north, in modern industrialized cities. What followed was â€Å"The Great Migration† between 1910 and 1940, where African Americans left the south in droves to find opportunities in the cities. They found the worst jobs in the cities coupled with the worst pay, but they were genereally free from the threat of lynch mobs and public beatings, despite not being well-liked by their new neighbors.Section 7A of the NRA required businesses to accept union employees and not discriminate based on ethnicity or race, which allowed greater legislative power for organizations like the American Negro Labor Congress. Even though New Deal programs had been introduced to unify the workingman, the results of the new legislation w idened the distrust between blacks and whites. African Americans provided a cheap labor force, and would often work as scabs during factory strikes, infuriating white union workers, causing deeper tensions.The Communist and Socialist Parties both claimed that capitalists used race as tool to divide the population against itself, and both worked tirelessly to promote equal rights for both the poor and African Americans. This caused even further disparity when these parties used racial inequality to stir up tension between established whites and poor blacks. The Communist and Socialist Parties had found a rallying cry in racial inequality, and actively promoted multiracial unions to demand equality in the workplace.There was even a conspiracy theory espoused by most southern whites that African Americans were Soviet spies, employed by the USSR to bring down the white race and capitalism. FDR’s New Deal programs certainly barred racial discrimination, but local officials were th e people who administered the programs, and the majority of these people still hadn’t changed their racial views. Greenburg points out that the fault lay not in the New Deal, but in the patterns and established segregation that was prevalent in society. It didn’t help that FDR courted southern white democrats in his bid for the election, to secure his position n office. Once he laid out the plans for the New Deal, however, he gained more support from the black community, as they were among those represented in the groups that would benefit from programs designed to empower the jobless, homeless, starving, and needy. The road to hell is paved with good intentions though; Public works projects like the WPA, the NRA (coined â€Å"affectionately as the Negro Removal Agency), and FERA all generally accepted local wage distribution policies, discriminatory hiring practices, and were all subject to public scrutiny.African Americans, not being part of the majority had a lesse r voice in the crowd, and thus were financially punished for any outspoken criticism of racial inequalities within the workplace. FDR avoided directly addressing the race issue in his first few years in office to garner continued support from the southern white supremacists that occupied the Senate.As the US entered WWII, the need for increased collaboration and unity between whites and blacks was much greater, and FDR saw the need for improved race relations (and to ward off a march on the Capitol by A. Philip Randolph and his supporters), so he issued Executive Order 8802 to legally mandate an official federal government position of anti-discrimination policy. Even though the Executive Order was technically part of the first or second New Deal, it was part of FDR’s legacy, and it has had resounding effects throughout American society.New Deal programs were carefully, politically orchestrated to have mass appeal across a broad spectrum of the US population, but unfortunately mass appeal is not sympathetic to minorities caught up in the struggle. While the New Deal provided jobs and money for millions of white Americans, improving morale and confidence in the economy, racial inequality as a product of society, left African Americans generally poor and in similar conditions they had faced before the depression.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

On Campus or Off Campus Living

On Campus or Off Campus Living If you are a new student and you want to choose between living on campus and living off campus, here some differences between them which may help you in your decision. The first difference is the cost. Normally, off campus housing is more expensive than on campus housing because of the additional charges. When you live off campus, you should pay for your own Internet access, furniture, and kitchen and bath necessities in addition to the rent, so it is a high initial cost.However, on campus housing does not need most of these charges because they are already paid with the rent. The second difference is transportation. If you live on campus, you can easily walk to your classes, libraries, and cafeterias. You do not have to waste your time and money to ride buses or trains or to drive your car to go to the campus. In contrast, you should ride buses or trains or drive your car to go to the campus when you live off campus which means wasting money and time i n addition to the traffic issues if you are living in a crowded area.On campus housing and off campus housing also differ in privacy. On campus housing usually means a shared bedroom, bathroom, and kitchen. It is also means a limited and sometimes not quiet place to study because you share it with others. On the other hand, off campus housing means you own your bedroom, bathroom, and kitchen and also means there is a large enough and quiet enough place to study. The other difference is the social life.Living on campus allows you to make more friends and meet more people than living off campus and also keeps you in touch with any activities that happen on campus, while living off campus probably does not allow you to make more friends or keep in touch with most campus activities. All in all, there are many differences between living on campus and living off campus, so when you want to choose between living on and off campus, classify these differences to advantages and disadvantages depending on your situation. After that, choose which is more advantageous than the other. .

Monday, July 29, 2019

I'm not sure Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

I'm not sure - Essay Example Xunzi departs from the ideas of Confucius and Mencius in the view of heaven (Ivanhoe and Bryan 41). He argues that heaven is nothing more than the natural world which has no moral will and that its activities are totally different to human activities. Therefore, human-beings are responsible for their own destinies and they must not think that heaven can intervene or be in control of their own troubles. He says that heaven is responsible for how things are and not how they ought to be. People must therefore live with the effects and limitations imposed on them by heaven and earth (Ivanhoe and Bryan 39). On ritual, Xunzi perceives it as a way of bringing into existence a fully human world from people’s emotions. Rituals more often satisfy certain psychological needs and desires without considering on those of others. Sacrificial rites express the feelings of remembrance and longing for the dead. They perfect loyalty, good faith and the flourishing of ritual department and refine d demeanor. Xunzi`s theory dearly anticipates Sigmund Frend whereby the sages had a psychological purpose in creating the rituals and did not depend upon belief in the existence of ancestral spirits or their ability to respond to sacrifice (Ivanhoe and Bryan 51). Xunzi also argues that human nature is evil and that its goodness is the result of conscious activity. It is human nature that one is born with the desire for something either good or bad. As a result, indulging human emotions with human nature will lead to strife causing chaos and violence. Xunzi therefore indicates that before one attains modesty, he or she must emulate the example of a teacher and guided by the way of ritual and rightness. On the other hand Mencius argues that the nature of human beings is good after an understanding of human nature and distinction between the nature and conscious activity. He further argues that nature cannot be acquired by effort or learn it but instead given by heaven. They both recog nize that human beings have both bad emotions and good ones as well (Ivanhoe and Bryan 89). For Mencius, it is a matter of nourishment while Xunzi its transformation. As a result, education becomes more important for Xunzi than for Mencius since Xunzi view it as the only counterforce to the natural tendencies that result to competition, strife and aggression in the society. 2. Compare and contrast Mozi's, Mencius's and Xunzi's views of Heaven. Xunzi refutes the norm of the role of heaven by stating that heaven does not care about human affairs. According to him, heaven is nothing more than the natural world which has no will and correlation to human activities. He further argues that those who pray for rain are wasting their time. He points out that human beings are in charge of their own destinies and they must not wait for heaven to intervene on their troubles (Ivanhoe and Bryan 31). He concurs with Confucius that natural events like droughts affect human beings, they have no huma n meaning. Therefore people must live with the challenges imposed on them by heaven and earth. Xunzi also contrast with Mozi`s and Mencius view on non-action or non-striving action. He claims that good things are only achieved through effort. He attacks Laozi and Zhuangzi on the matter that human beings adopt the perspective of heaven and leave conventional values as result of yielding the natural flow of things. Xunzi instead gives the distinctive importance of the human nature and

Sunday, July 28, 2019

American Dream for Slaves, Indians, and Puritans Essay

American Dream for Slaves, Indians, and Puritans - Essay Example Over time, they establish their communities, and become a part of the cosmopolitan society of America. These people had dreams that pushed them to leave their original homes, and settle in America. In trying to analyze the truth in George Carlin’s comment, it is imperative to consider facts from such groups. In the colonial era, slaves, Indians, and puritans all had dreams; and this paper intends to examine the interpretation of these groups of the American dream. This paper will also consider the obstacles they encountered in their mission, and whether or not they pursued their course. Colonial Era In looking at American history, slaves were of African origin. They Africans could only be referred to as slaves, after they had been bough officially by a planter or an owner of a plantation. The first slaves arrived in America in the early 1500s1. Slavery was oppressive, and colonies with produce specialization relied heavily on slaves. The slaves had no rights, were not allowed to accrue wages, and they were given only what was enough for their survival. Slaves came mainly from West, and Central Africa. By 1700, the number of slaves in America was about 20, 000. The slaves were forcibly brought to America. Between 1700 and 1750, an additional 250, 000 people had been involuntarily brought to British to serve as slaves. At the time that Europeans arrived in America, there were between 10 and 90 million American Indians. This native population appreciated the resources that nature placed at their disposal. The respected it, and used it accordingly. When Europeans landed in America, the American Indians were accommodative of their visitors since they were fascinated by the tools they brought with them. As the number of Europeans grew, they wanted to conquer the land, and make it theirs. Though they tried to coexist with the Europeans, the American Indians were quickly overtaken by events. The Europeans took over the land, pushed them to the side, imposed thei r ideals on them, and became their rulers. The European governments laid claim on the land, and divided it amongst themselves2. The American Indians were even enslaved by the Europeans. The period between 1500 and 1776 is characterized, in American History, by the colonization of America by Europeans. Puritans were immigrants from England to America. The Puritans were established in America by 400 settlers. These settlers in 1629 began the Massachusetts Bay Colony. Their numbers grew in leaps and bounds, and by 1640, their population had reached 1640. They extended their region of coverage to Connecticut, Saybrook, and New Haven3. American dream As time went by, the African population grew to outnumber that of the whites. The African slaves bore children who were born into slavery. These children knew no other home other that the fields in which they worked. To them, slavery was their destined way of life, and some of them did nothing to go against this. But as time passed, some sla ves were able to earn enough to buy their freedom4. They turned around to become advocates against slavery. They convinced their fellow Africans who were still bound in slavery that there was a better way of life. Though brought in captivity, the slaves dreamt of freedom in America. The American Indians, being a people who had respect for nature, found themselves in the midst of

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Jazz Fusion Musicians Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Jazz Fusion Musicians - Term Paper Example or Kenny G brand by use of instrumentals. Therefore, the term jazz became distorted to accommodate rock and pop groups back in the 1960s by adding horns for flavoring (Sweat and Tears, Blood and Chicago). By old definition, fusion is, therefore, a mixture of improvisations made on Jazz combined with the rhythms, energy and timbers of rock music. Jazz fusion began to take hold in the wake of the Golden Era of rock in around the late 1960s. The essay discusses; Mile Davis, John Abercombie, Don Alias, Jeff Beck, Jack Bruce and Larry Carlton contributions to jazz fusion in their life time. A number of questions commonly get asked concerning the founder of jazz fusion. In accordance to some music analysts, some say fusion might have started with the guitarist, Larry Coryell. Speculations presume that Larry Coryell brought the rock oriented tune. In addition, he also brought attack raw, edgy tones in contrast to the smooth, rounded tones which guitarist employed in many jazz sessions at th at era. In addition, other analysts noted that blues and rock sensibilities which Jack DeJohnette, drummer, and Keith Jarrett, pianist, brought to the given Charles Lloyd Quartet also became wildly popular to rock audiences in 1967, despite, using acoustic instruments. Furthermore, from England, The Trinity and jazz organist Brian Auger also developed rock in the late 1960s through borrowing some pop influences plus clothing styles. The founders could even be traced way back to 1959 to the likes of Ray Charles. He pioneered the use of the given Wurlitzer electric piano in singing some of his blues, gospel and jazz hits. The same Wurlitzer electric piano became used later by Joe Zawinul and contributed in making a given gospel song a hit in 1966. In relation to some musical analysts, they claim that the first jazz and rock combination might have been truly a mixture of Dixieland Jazz plus the 50s rock. Therefore, regarding the founder of jazz fusion music, there is no impressive cons ensus to date on whom might have been the founder of the spectacular Jazz fusion music. Even if quite a lot of arguments exist on the true founder of the jazz fusion music, but musicians behind making it popular could be identified. These musicians played a prominent role in popularizing the jazz music and making it get a lot of audiences as years advanced. A good example of such a musician that contributed immensely to its popularity includes Miles Davis (Miles & Quincy 34). Miles Davis was an ever curious person that wished to experiment with any music. He managed to fuse rock and rhythm and blues (R&B) currents existing in the late 1960’s and created hits. Miles Davis managed to popularize jazz fusion to greater heights at that time thereby increasing the number of fans listening jazz fusion genre. Jazz itself became fused in the ‘20s, together with rock and even soul music around that time. In addition, other musicians that contributed to its popularity became the B eatles groups. From 1964, as the Beatles group invaded and rocked their music on air and other areas, they too managed to spread the jazz fusion music with them through the music they played. As the jazz scene continuously became a battle between angry avant-garde and hard boppers, many bored and alienated musicians looked to rock, which at that time had begun to develop into multifaceted imaginative art form (Miles & Quincy 36). Moreover, the introduction of the given electronic keyboards like the Wurlitzer plus the

Friday, July 26, 2019

Business Entrepreneurship Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Business Entrepreneurship - Essay Example Internet marketing in this phase after generating a feasible amount of donation request can again prove to be useful in many ways. For example, the website can also help to gain the support of professionals in this case without any extra cost. Precisely, the blogs creation can be useful to recognize the supportive donators and organize them ultimately. Another objective of the team was to establish a new gym in the local community. To attain this objective the team shall have to manage an adequate space within the building. The main supplies that the team should be focused on in this case are the equipments, one trainer at least, a changing and a resting room for the participants. In addition, the part of membership donations should also be considered. The advantages of website designing is quite remarkable in the case of New Wave Youth Club, therefore it demands a continuous development to sustain the position. To develop the website into a ‘Killer Website’ the team need to be focused on the attributes of speed, customer service and involvement of new up-graded technology as well. For instance, the team can organize awareness programs, or entertaining games which shall be effective to attract potential donators and other suppliers.

International Financial Management - Assignment Question Essay - 1

International Financial Management - Assignment Question - Essay Example Each party in the venture is given roles and liabilities upon the occurrence of the foreseen risk (Kumar 2007). Bento, J. P. C., 2009. Economic integration, international trade and the role of foreign direct investment : the case of Portuguese manufacturing. Berlin : Distributed in North America by Transaction Publishers. A rein-voicing center is a department or a subsidiary of a multinational company where all transactions happening inside the firm are centralized and foreign currency liabilities and receivables are netted (Kumar 2007). A merger is a situation where two or more firms come together to form one expanded business. On the other hand, an acquisition is a situation where one firm takes over business operations of another firm and becomes the new owner (Kumar 2007). Bento, J. P. C., 2009. Economic integration, international trade and the role of foreign direct investment : the case of Portuguese manufacturing. Berlin : Distributed in North America by Transaction Publishers. The first advantage of mergers and acquisitions is that it helps a company to expand its market. They also help a company to enjoy the economies of scale and have increased efficiency in their operations (Kumar 2007). Mergers and acquisitions also help a company to reduce on tax and legal implications. A situation where a firm with a high profitability takes over a company with low profitability helps it to reduce the tax liability. In addition to this, a company gains high competitiveness, expands its industry know how and positioning and increases profitability (Kumar 2007). Mergers and acquisitions also have some disadvantages. They suffer from such things like decreased corporate performance and services, lowered industry innovation, decline in equity pricing, decline in investment value, increase in costs to consumers and they suppress competing businesses (Reuvid and Sherlock 2011). Expanding to new

Thursday, July 25, 2019

The Chrysanthemum Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

The Chrysanthemum - Essay Example What is revealed in most of the religious texts, and what is practiced by the society are mostly contradictory. A female child suffers victimization at every stage of life. When she grows, marries, begets children, her responsibilities multiply. Her private ambitions stand curtailed. Circumstances compel her to suppress her many fond feelings for the growth of her innate desires and latent personality. How can a woman be the legal and spiritual equal of man in the true sense? John Steinbeck in his story The Chrysanthemum highlights the limitations under which a married woman lives. He writes not to sympathize with women, not condemn the society—he just mentions the facts, for which there are no tangible solutions. Her plight is a sort of inevitable confinement. Elisa is one such woman. She is as if imprisoned in a fort, being attacked by the enemy from outside. The nature seems to move in tandem with her moods. The story opens: "The high gray-flannel fog of winter closed off the Salinas Valley from the sky and from all the rest of the world. On every side it sat like a lid on the mountains and made of the great valley a closed pot." Every description by the author related to the life of Elisa is chiseled within the details of confinement. Her garden of flowers is surrounded by a wire fence. Flower and wire fence, create a picture, how her tender emotions are imprisoned. Through such enclosures, she watches the activities that are taking place in t he society. She has no conflict with her husband, everything apparently seems to go on well. Her dissatisfaction with her life has nothing to do with the attitudes of her husband and his disposition towards her. The story critically examines her psychology. The images of seasons, weather, plants and a animals—all work as natures agents to provided support to the happiness of her life. When a bright and energetic woman has to fall in

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Skull identitation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Skull identitation - Essay Example In addition, the observed physical characteristics on the frontal view and the profile views were also taken into consideration. For instance, the jaws and other features present in these different skulls. This skull exhibits large supraorbital height index of approximately71 uv/tv. This almost matches the supraorbital size of Australopithecus africanus skull and Neanderthal skulls that are 70uv/tv and 70uv/tv respectively. An analysis on the nuchal ridge area was also taken it had a height of 39tw/tv. A comparison was then drawn with regard to the known varieties; there was closeness with the nuchal skull of Australopithecus africanus and Neanderthal that had a nuchal area of 38tw/tv and 37tw/tv respectively. A further measurement was done on the condylar position on the skull. It was found out that the condylar position index was 44xy/xz. When this was compared with known varieties of skulls; there was an exact match with the condylar index of Australopithecus africanus that was also 44xy/xz. To ascertain the identity of this skull, a further analysis was done and the physical characteristics of the skull and different traits were observed. The canine teeth were relatively smaller and the shape of the jaw was fully parabolic. These characteristic were shared with the skull of Australopithecus africanus. In general, this skull is possibly a skull of Australopithecus africanus The results revealed that the supraorbital height index of this skull is 66uv/tv which was relatively smaller compared to the first skull (Elbroch, 2006). Although, this exactly matches supraorbital size of Homo sapiens skull that is also 66uv/tv. Another study on the nuchal area height was also conducted and gave a height of 18tw/tv. It was observed that it was also smaller in size compared to that of the first skull but was closer to that of Australopithecus robustus. A

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Strategy management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Strategy management - Essay Example According to Yip, internationalization is driven by market, cost, government and competitive drivers, which influence the level of market competitiveness and success of globalization. In the telecommunication industry, globalization has become a major way of improving sales, market control and performance (Yip, Biscarri & Monti, 2000). Companies such as apple, Samsung and Nokia have entered markets in different parts of the globe including emerging and developed countries. Market driver remains the major motivation for globalization by most of these companies as it seeks to improve its presence, perception and performance in the market. Market drivers describe the needs and preferences of the customers, the existence of global demand among others (Lal & Strachan, 2007). Telecommunication industry is one of the most dynamic sector in which consumer loyalty is not assured and changes in taste and preferences affect the demand of different products. Within the telecommunication industry, products such as mobile phones, smartphones and computers perform based on how they satisfy the needs of the market. Companies such as Samsung and apple have upped the competition in the telecommunication industry, developing a strong market control as compared to other companies. The companies in demand in Africa, Asia and other parts of the world due to the strong consumer preference that has emerged due to the sleek designs and consumer centrality adopt Apple products. This has caused a need for these companies to enter into new markets and fill the void currently within the global market beat the strong competition (Yip, Biscarri & Monti, 2000). Cost drivers include the need to adopt scales economies, improved supply chain and exploitation of country specific cultural differences across the globe. To achieve the economies of scales, businesses cannot continue serving the national or domestic markets. As a result,

Monday, July 22, 2019

Wealth over Health Essay Example for Free

Wealth over Health Essay People tend to look for wealth forgetting about their health and mostly after they have gained their wealth cannot save their health. Pictures tend to convince as to do the unimaginable just because hey mostly encourage as to what we think we are not capable of doing. The picture above clearly implies that we should help save a life but has a deeper meaning of speaking to people who spend all their time working to earn money and then think they have it all in life. Here I believe the image achieves it’s purpose because it stirs up a feeling to help donate blood because it makes you empathize with individuals who are in the same situation and the inscription on the image makes anyone think beyond what the image portrays so here we see that though we are being emotionally convinced we are being provoked to think about wealth and health and not just donating blood. Pictures appeal to pathos, logos and ethos which tend to one way or the other speak to everyone. As individuals of a technological age most of our decisions are influenced by the images we see around us because what we see tends to draw our attention and speaks to us in different ways. I believe images have the ability to change our mood, how we feel and how we think. The image above can be classified in having the ability of changing a persons mood from happy to sad or sad to happy. A person earning a lot of money who hasn’t thought about their health might be sad and a healthy person earning an average amount will be very excited to help save a life. Most of the time we create meaning through stories images project in our mind and they also tend to remind us of sad or happy moments we have experienced. Pictures, videos and all forms of visual imagery carry power which is able to convince us more than what we read or hear on radio. With the picture above we see blood and it make anyone alarmed to see what follows because as human beings blood is one of the most important things we need in our bodies since it helps  regulates the functions of all our organs. Here, the blood could have filled the container to create an image of shortage of blood in our mind which is a form of persuasion to help you save someone who is loosing blood. On the inscription on the poster it says, â€Å"save 3 lives without spending a cent† comparing three human lives to a cent just to show that money cannot help in all cases but as a human being you should know you are more important than money and so don’t spend all your time trying to get it but just spend a little of your time donating to someone who needs a little of your blood. I believe the red cross on the poster can also be speaking to Christians who believe Christ died on cross and shed His blood for healing. We are easily influenced by images because they tend to illustrate the unimaginable and give us confidence. In the image above we see ourselves as life savers due to the power the image creates in our mind and we now forget the pain of the needle being passed through our skin to get the blood out. We easily feel good because images persuade us to do the impossible and see the invisible. Most phrases we hear on our TV ads are â€Å"Look, it’s easyâ⠂¬  or â€Å"Microwave for 10 minutes and you just made the best meal’’. We feel impressed and have a sense of accomplishments when we see such words speaking to us in the form of images. The main purpose of images is to make us want to think we can do something which we don’t believe is possible and persuades us further that we can do it. In the second image it speaks clearly without the help of words. If you don’t take good care of your health whiles you have money you spend all your wealth on different kinds of medicines. This can also be a mild way of communicating to a particular audience that money is not everything because you can be purchasing medicines either to prevent a disease or cure a disease but you cannot be guaranteed an assurance on better health. In the article Health is Wealth and Wealth is Health – perceptions of health and ill health among female workers in Savannahkat Laos , â€Å"Health was defined as a condition that is needed to be able to work and collect money.† I think this definition was used because the sex workers need to get money to take care of their health. The amazing thing about images is that they are able to relate to each and everyone just like the pictures above. Most images are successful because they tend to persuade, inform and advertise to a large group of people. We make decisions based on what we see and though some images have a deeper meaning they are able to speak and achieve their aim of persuasion. We see through both images that we don’t only have to focus on our wealth and exclude our health but focusing on both will make you happy and will also make society a great place to be. Our health and wealth are very important and without both the journey of life is a tough one. Visual images find themselves in different contexts relating to different people but to make your point clear one needs to make an image have a connection with every individual and carry power to change the mood ,thought or action of a peron.

Defense Attorneys Essay Example for Free

Defense Attorneys Essay Discuss the role of defense attorney’s in the courtroom workgroup. A defense attorney is a lawyer who provides legal representation for a person who has been arrested and charged for breaking the law or when an individual been served with a lawsuit. For example, when another individual filing the lawsuit goes after money for damages or justifiable relief of some sort. A very small portion of lawyers actually discuss that they work as criminal defense attorneys. This is because of the negative labeling assigned to the profession by American Social Forces. However defense attorneys are very important in the criminal justice system. They work to protect the innocent from being falsely convicted, and they work to protect the constitutional rights of all defendants. When a criminal defendant cannot afford to pay for the services of a private legal attorney, the United States Supreme Court requires that a defense attorney be appointed to represent the defendant. This expense is covered by taxpayers. There are three major categories of defense attorneys to help assist criminal defendants: * Private attorneys usually referred to as retained counsel.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Coronary Artery Disease and Diabetes Mellitus

Coronary Artery Disease and Diabetes Mellitus Introduction The coronary artery supplies the blood to the heart muscles to enrich it with oxygen and other nutrients. It also carries deoxygenated blood away from the heart. The coronary artery consists of 2 main arteries; the right coronary artery which supplies blood to the right ventricles and right atrium and the left coronary artery which supplies blood to the left ventricles and left atrium. The two many arteries further divide into two; the left coronary artery divide into the circumflex artery which supplies blood to the back of the heart, the left anterior descending artery supplies blood to the front of the heart; the right coronary artery is divided into right posterior descending artery and large marginal arteries and supply blood to the sinoatrial nodes that control the heart  rhythmic rate. The coronary arteries have 3 layers of tissues; the tunica adventitia which covers the outside, the tunica media which is the middle layer and the tunica intima endothelium which is the inner layer. The diameters of the coronary arteries range from 0.6mm-4.4mm, any blockage to any of these arteries that stops blood flow to the affected area lead to coronary artery disease (CAD).       The normal blood glucose range is 4-6 mmol/L and 7.8mmol/L 2 hours after meal. This range is controlled by insulin which causes cells to absorb excess glucose in blood and glucagon which causes cells to release glucose from stores. Insulin is produced by the beta cells of the islets of Langerhans of the pancreas. When blood glucose level rises above its normal range insulin binds to the extracellular subunits of its receptors (IRS-1 and IRS-2) on the cell surface which sends signals into the cell causing the intracellular proteins to alter their activity which in turn initiates the movement of glucose transporters (GLU1-4, depending on the cell/tissues involved) to the cell membrane which then transports glucose into the cell where it may be further be converted glycogen, the storage form of glucose. Any impairment to the function of insulin, or its receptors lead to hyperglycemia and when excess of this glucose in bloodstream is passed in urine it results to diabetes mellitus. Diabe tes mellitus can be classified into two main types; Diabetes mellitus type 1 (DM 1) and diabetes mellitus type 2 (DM 2). High sugar levels in blood (hyperglycemia) maybe due to insulin resistance in cases of type 2 diabetes or destruction of beta cells of the pancreas in cases of type 1 diabetes, which downstream leads to CAD. Atherosclerosis which can occur in any part of the body result from endothelia damage which can be caused by high blood pressure, smoking, genetics, age, gender, high blood glucose, weight gain etc. when atherosclerosis occurs in any of the coronary arteries it leads to coronary artery disease. Events leading to atherosclerosis include; Endothelial damage which leads to inflammatory responses such as accumulation of white blood cells , low density lipoprotein (LDL)and high density lipoprotein (HDL), oxidation of LDL induced by free radicals (reactive oxygen species), platelet aggregation, chemotaxis of macrophages, formation of foam cells, proliferation of smooth muscle cells (atheroma occurs), fibrous tissue and calcium salts cause the atheroma to harden this results in less elasticity of the artery (atherosclerosis). All of these events narrow the coronary artery from the normal physiological range of 0.6-4.4mm (including small coronary arteries branching from the main arteries) to very smaller diameter depending on the level of narrowing and then eventual blockage preventing or limiting blood and nutrient supply to heart tissues leading to death of affected heart tissues, heart attack or even death of the patient. According to statistics, diabetes and coronary artery disease are closely related, this is because 50% of patients with diabetes are at risk of suffering CAD alongside. In the United States 77% cause of death is diabetic CAD. The prevalence of diabetes globally is increasing and its the major risk factor of other health conditions. The National Institute of Health reported that 65% of diabetic patients are more at risk of developing stroke, high blood pressure, obesity, kidney failure, and heart diseases such as cardiac arrest, myocardial infarction, and atherosclerosis in the heart (CAD) which when not optimally managed could lead to death. CAD and Diabetes Mellitus The cause of DM1 is unknown but studies say it could be genetic or viral infection which leads to an autoimmune condition where the body defense mechanism destroys its cells, in this case the pancreatic beta cells where insulin is produced. When the beta cells of the pancreas are destroyed, the pancreas will no longer be able to make insulin which downstream causes the bloodstream to be glucose logged due to inability of the body cells to move glucose out of the bloodstream, leading to impaired insulin secretion, decreased signalling in the hypothalamus, increased food intake, weight gain and hyperglycemia, which downstream leads to atherosclerosis. DM 2 is due to the body cells inability to respond to insulin stimulation. Insulin resistance is due to obesity, age and sedentary life style (irregular body activities), Age and sedentary lifestyle both lead up to increase in body weight (accumulation of adipose tissue). With or without hyperglycemia, insulin resistance can cause atherosclerosis, this results from increased lipolysis of adipocytes leading to increased nonesterified fatty acid secretion (NEFA), pro-inflammatory cytokines such as tumour P1521598x necrosis factor-a (TNF-a), interleukin-6 (IL-6) and monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 (MCP-1). NEFA can be deposited in and cause dysfunction of pancreatic beta cells, liver and skeletal muscles, all of which enhance insulin resistance and reduce production of insulin. Accumulation of NEFA in skeletal muscle leads to competition with glucose for substrate oxidation thereby increasing the intracellular content of fatty acid metabolites such as diacylglycerol (DAG), fatty acyl coenzyme A and ceremide which together activate serine/threonine kinase processes leading to insulin receptor substrate 1and 2 (IRS 1 IRS 2) phosphorylation, reducing their ability to undergo tyrosine phosphorylation and carry out their normal physiological function in insulin signalling. The final target of these receptors is the blockage of phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3) which is responsible for decreasing expression of adherent molecules, NF-kb activation, Ros formation and increasing eNOS production. PI3 blockade leads to hyperstimulation of mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAP-kinase) by increasing insulin production which contributes to vascular hypertrophy, hypertension, increased plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 (PAI-1) production and arrhythmias, all of these processes lead to endothelial lining damage which causes atherosclerosis. Diabetes and Atherosclerosis Hyperglycemia can also lead this atherosclerosis because increase in blood glucose levels leads to increase in reactive oxygen species (ROS) because of mitochondrial dysfunction which is the initial event observed in hyperglycemia. Glycolysis generates nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NADH) and pyruvate. Pyruvate in tricarboxylic cycle (TCA) generates molecules  of CO2, 4 NADH and 1 FADH NADH and FADH are electron carriers/donors in the electron transport chain which is made up of 4 complexes, I-IV). In mitochondria, NADH and FADH donate electron for generation of ATP. In hyperglycemia, there is increased glycolysis which leads to increased electron donation to the electron transfer chain (ETC) which increases electron flux raising voltage across the membrane and generates higher membrane potential eventually reaching a threshold where transport at complex III is blocked, increasing electron donation to O2 at complex III generating ROS, mostly superoxide (O-). Superoxide inactiva tes glycolytic enzymes glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate dehydrogenase which induces vascular injury via 4 main pathways; protein kinase C pathway, hexosamine pathway, advanced glycation endproducts and polyol pathway. ROS enhances atherosclerosis by blocking eNOS synthase which enhances production of other ROS especially in endothelial cells and vascular muscle cells. Superoxide reacts with nitric oxide to form peroxynitrite which selectively inhibits prostacyclin (PGI2) disrupting its synthases iron-thiolate centre. PGI2 inhibition causes build-up of its precursor prostaglandin endoperoxide (PGH2) which induces vasoconstriction and endothelial dysfunction. In addition, PGH2 promotes the conversion of PGI2 to thromboxane A2 by thromboxane synthase which leads to platelet aggregation. Diabetes and Response to injury Endothelial progenitor cells (EPC) and vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) are responsible for response to injury and hypoxia, both are lacking in diabetes, this makes repair of injury very slow enhancing atherosclerosis. Conclusion   Ã‚   With or without hyperglycemia, DM leads to atherosclerosis which if it happened in the coronary artery lead to narrowing and eventual blockage of the coronary artery leading to CAD. In DM 1 it goes through hyperglycemia/mitochondrial dysfunction pathway whereas in DM 2 it goes through insulin resistance/lipolysis pathway even in slim individuals if there is unequal distribution of fat across the body, it interferes with insulins ability to suppress lipolysis leading to higher NEFA production. Whichever way, DM is likely to lead up to CAD (when atherosclerosis occurs in the coronary artery) and other diseases such as obesity, high blood pressure, kidney disease and heart attack. One thing that can be seen in the events leading up to CAD are positive feedback events, for example, ROS blocks eNOS synthase which enhances the production of more ROS.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Ten Mistakes Parents Make in Choosing a Boot Camp :: essays research papers

The past twenty years has seen a major change in residential programs for self-destructive and struggling teens. In the past virtually every residential intervention available was funded and controlled by governmental agencies, including decisions as to who would be enrolled. What has changed is that we now have a rapidly growing network of private residential schools and programs focused on allowing parents more choices. Usually this involves parents paying the tuition, or at least making arrangements for payment through their insurance policy or other resources. This is having the effect of empowering parents, giving them many more effective resources to which to turn when their struggling child is making self-destructive decisions. These new options enable parents to intervene before a tragedy develops. With that new ability and responsibility, comes the opportunity for parents to make their own mistakes. Listed below are ten of the most common mistakes I have seen parents make during my sixteen years working with parents of struggling teens. I present this with the hope that parents who are beginning to search for residential schools and programs will rethink their initial assumptions to avoid self-defeating choices. 1.) "We want a place close to home." Just as the needs of struggling teens vary widely, so do the strengths and weaknesses of residential schools and programs. Restricting one's search to a limited geographical area increases the chances of excluding the most appropriate places that have the best chances for being successful with your child. In effect, this is settling for second best, which increases the chances of a placement not working. 2.) "We want something affordable." The most expensive residential school or program is the one that doesn't work. A quality school or program that has the structure to keep on top of manipulative and contrary teens and still be effective in changing attitudes is going to be expensive, whether the parent or the taxpayers pay the bill. Most low cost schools or programs are inexpensive because they are undercapitalized, cut corners financially, have a poorly thought out program, hire too few people and or hire minimum wage staff. It is very risky to entrust your child to one of these places. An exception to this is the quality school or program, usually Christian oriented, that has a large endowment or a successful fund raising program, or is able to attract good staff because they consider themselves on a mission.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Internet Taxation Essay -- Taxing Internet Web Essays

Internet Taxation Should states and local governments be able to impose internet tax on individuals and corporations? Maybe they should not, but they are. There are currently twelve states and the district of Colombia that currently impose sales tax on internet access. There are also 10 states that presently collect taxes on data downloads. Who pays for these taxes? And how is this tax computed? Is there truly justification for this taxation or is it just another way for federal, states, and local governments to collect potentially huge tax revenues? And what effects will these taxes have on the internet? Would taxing the internet kill the industry? In any case, individuals should educate themselves about internet taxation. There are three primary types of internet taxes: taxes on internet access, Sales and use tax, taxation on information and other non-tangible goods obtained from the internet ( One type of internet tax is the Internet access tax. These are taxes enforced on individuals or corporations for use internet access. Currently, there are 10 states which charge for internet access. These taxes are sometimes undetected by the customer because the tax is already embedded in the information or data processing services fee or the telecommunication services fee that is already being paid. So it is likely that firms or individuals don’t even realize they are paying this internet tax. If the internet tax is not already imbedded in these fees it would mean that the firm or individual would have to pay additional fees to access the internet. In many situations the imposed taxes are paid for by the internet service provider. For the states that are not currently paying taxes f... ...ack and watch internet retailers take advantage for so long. Though it seems fair to tax information and intangible goods, many internet customers are not going to be willing to pay for these taxes in addition to having to deal with longer time period to access the internet. Usually when people pay more they expect something in exchange. So taxing information and intangible goods does not seem like a wise move to make, unless there is a way of speeding up the internet speed and/or making internet access faster. Customers are just not going to pay more for less. This assignment has made me aware of what internet taxation is and informed me about the major controversy over it. I now know that there are many states in the U.S. that charge customers internet taxes. And I feel fortunate to live in Arizona where we do not have to pay these taxes at this time!!!

Julius Caesar :: Free Essays

Julius Caesar Everyday life in Rome was quite organised. People could only dress that represented themselves and their status. Being a Roman citizen was very important and even the poor of the poor were proud to be Roman. Rome was governed by the triumvirate. This included Pompey, Crassus and Julius Caesar. Unfortunately Crassus died in a battle. This caused disruption and Caesar and Pompey fell out because neither wanted to share Rome. Eventually Caesar killed Pompey and his two sons. Caesar was the absolute power but because Rome had experienced a cruel tyrant Tarquin who enslaved the Romans, everyone was scared of this happening again. The role of the common people was important as if they offered light relief for the audience but more importantly provided the key for avenging Caesars death. Brutus and Mark Antony knew that the crowd could be manipulated and exploited this using various but subtle techniques which influenced the crowd. When the conspirators killed Caesar Brutus and Mark Antony made speeches about Caesar and the event of the killing. Brutus went first and used "Romans, countrymen and lovers" He puts Romans first as he killed Caesar for the good of Rome. He manipulates the crowd by asking rhetorical questions that say either you love Caear, or the love you freedom. But you can not have both speak no or forever hold your peace. Brutus knew that the Romans were proud of they freedom and their society so this question justified the killing. He says that Caesar was ambitious and it was only a matter of time before Rome was taken over. As a result, death for his ambition. The speech is effective, the crowd are won over and now support Brutus and love him. Then Mark Antony speaks and after Brutus' performance they don't really want to listen but eventually they do. This time Mark Antony starts off the opposite to Brutus "Friends Countrymen, Romans lend me your ears.." He tells the crowd that he is here to bury Caesar not to praise him.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Stefan’s Diaries: The Craving Chapter 7

Every muscle in my body tensed. Time seemed to stop as we stared into each other's eyes, both of us silently challenging the other to give himself away. My chest felt tight as anger coiled through my body. The last time I'd seen Damon, he'd been standing over me with a stake, just after he'd killed Callie. His cheeks had been sunken, his body gaunt from his time in captivity. Now he looked like his human self, the young man who charmed everyone from barmaids to grandmothers. Clean-shaven, dressed smartly, and playing the part of an Italian count flawlessly. Acting human. He had everyone in the room fooled. Damon raised one eyebrow at me and the twitch of a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth. To any onlooker, it would have seemed just like he was pleased to meet a new acquaintance. I knew better. Damon was enjoying his charade and waiting to see how I reacted. â€Å"Stefan Salvatore, may I introduce Count Damon DeSangue,† Lydia said. Damon gave a perfect bow, just barely bending at the waist. â€Å"DeSangue . . .† I repeated. â€Å"Count DeSangue,† Damon corrected in good humor, affecting an Italian accent. He smiled, revealing a straight set of gleaming white teeth. No, not here, I thought furiously. Not here in New York, not here among these innocent, well-meaning Sutherlands. Had Damon followed me here, or had he arrived first? He had been here long enough to attach himself to poor Lydia. And long enough to trick all of New York society. Is it possible that, in this teeming city, we both managed to become involved with the Sutherland family completely by coincidence? Damon was regarding me now, although the icy twinkle of sardonic humor was never far from his eyes, as if he guessed at what I was thinking. â€Å"Stefan, Damon – I just know you two are going to be like brothers,† Bridget gushed to me. â€Å"Well then,† Damon said, a smirk pulling the corner of his mouth. â€Å"Hello, brother! And where are you from, Stefan?† â€Å"Virginia,† I answered shortly. â€Å"Oh really? Because I was recently in New Orleans and could have sworn I met a gentleman who looked just like you. Have you been there?† Lydia leaned in closer, her eyes bright with pride. Bridget nodded eagerly at every word Damon said. Even Bram and Hilda looked entranced. I gripped my champagne glass so tightly I was surprised it didn't shatter. â€Å"No. I can't say I've ever been.† The happy tinkle of silverware from the refreshment table suddenly rose to the foreground. Hundreds of people, hundreds of blades, and one very angry, unpredictable brother before me. â€Å"Interesting,† he said. â€Å"Well, perhaps we will go back there, together. I hear they have a magnificent circus.† The orchestra began to play again, another fast-paced dance. But that was noise in the background. The ball and its participants faded away. Right now, Damon and I had our eyes locked on each other. â€Å"If you even try something,† I said low enough that only he could hear, squaring my shoulders and unconsciously tensing for a fight. â€Å"Don't think you can best me,† Damon said, rolling to the balls of his feet. The group of people we were with looked back and forth at us, clearly aware that something was going on, but unsure what exactly. â€Å"I'm feeling a bit thirsty,† I finally said aloud, not moving my eyes from his, trying to think of how to get Damon away from my new friends. â€Å"Care to join me for a drink?† â€Å"Smashing, I'd love one,† said Bram eagerly, hoping to break the tension. â€Å"Love to,† Damon said, mocking Bram's tone. â€Å"But duty – and the mazurka – calls.† He turned to Hilda and bowed. â€Å"May I?† â€Å"Oh, I'd love to, but Bram . . .† She started to hold up the dance card that hung around her wrist from a pink ribbon. Then her eyes widened, dilating, and she was staring – but no longer at the card. I looked at Damon. He was also staring, compelling her. Showing off, in front of everyone – in front of me – just how powerful he was. He was sending me a message. â€Å"Oh, he won't mind,† Hilda decided and took Damon's arm. He led her off, smiling back at me. The tips of his fangs glittered. â€Å"I wish I had his charm,† Bram said a little wistfully. â€Å"He's got all you ladies wrapped around his finger.† Lydia blushed prettily. She did not look after Hilda with a worried expression. She had the calm confidence of someone who knew exactly where her lover stood in his relation to her. Damon had no doubt compelled her to act as such. He had amassed a considerable amount of Power, very quickly. â€Å"Where exactly did you two meet?† I asked, trying to sound casual. â€Å"Oh, it was so romantic,† Bridget answered quickly. â€Å"Almost as romantic as you finding me, helpless, in the park. . . .† â€Å"Let your sister speak, Bridgey,† Bram interrupted. Lydia smiled, all of her studied politeness and mannered behavior melting away. â€Å"It really was a bit like a fairy tale. It was raining, a sudden downpour. I remember very particularly that the sun had been shining just moments earlier. Unprepared for the change of weather, Mother and I became soaked. My new hat was ruined, and all my packages were dripping wet. I swear a dozen carriages must have passed us by without stopping. And then – one of them paused, and the door opened, and there he was, extending his hand to me.† Her eyes grew soft. â€Å"He offered to give up his seat, but we got in with him. . . .† Bram made tsk-tsking noises; Lydia smiled, shrugging prettily. â€Å"I know, I know . . . ‘taking a ride with a strange man.' Very bad of us. But he was so polite, and charming . . . and we had such a lovely ride . . . and then the sun came out and we hardly noticed. . . .† My mind raced. Had Damon compelled every carriage driver in Manhattan to avoid Lydia and her mother? Was it even possible to compel that many people at once? And what about the rain? Had that been luck . . . or something else entirely? Damon wasn't capable of compelling the weather. If that were a power available to vampires, I would have heard of it from Lexi or even Katherine. Right? I studied Lydia. She wore a simple, narrow ribbon around her neck with a single pearl dangling from the front. The skin there was smooth, unblemished – and unbitten. If Damon wasn't feeding on Lydia, then what did he want from her? â€Å"Someone said something about being thirsty . . . ?† Bram said hopefully, rubbing his hands together. â€Å"I have a terrible desire for more champagne.† â€Å"Yes, thirst is a terrible thing,† I said, â€Å"but you'll have to excuse me.† Then I turned and cut my way through the merrily dancing crowd, determined to search out my brother before he had the chance to slit anyone's throat.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Environment, Geographical Location, and its Affects on The Early River-Valley Essay

Food, shelter, robust land, and trade were essential for early river-valley elaborations. Without food, shelter, plenteous land, and trade early river-valleys where doomed for every future success in the land. Egypt, Mesopotamia, and the Indus vale are examples of some early river-valley civilizations that relied heavily on its geographies and Mother Nature.For early river-valley civilizations in Egypt the Nile River played a crucial role. Without the Nile, Egypt would be a bleak and hospitable cast forward filled with mountains, and rocks. The Nile provided pee for the people of Egypt. With the Nile world really the only source of water for all of Egypt, I would imagine that these civilizations treasure the Nile heavily. The Nile also, helped the farming in Egypt improve. Every September, the Nile, overflowed its banks, dissemination water out into the bordering depressed basins. When the waters receded, they left behind a fatty layer of mineral-rich silt, and the farmer s could easily fix their crops in the moist soil.The early river-valley civilizations of Mesopotamia relied greatly on the Tigris, and the Euphrates Rivers. Mesopotamia means, Land surrounded by the rivers.Mesopotamian civilization certain in the plain alongside and between the Tigris and Euphrates, which originate in the mountains of eastern Anatolia and reverse into the Persian Gulf. Without the rivers, the civilizations would take over struggled greatly to survive. reed instrument plants, which grew on the riverbanks and in the marshy southerly delta, could easily be woven into mats, baskets, huts, and boats. Also, angle from the rivers and marshes were an important part of the peoples diet http// Another realise that the rivers gave to the early civilizations was that, herds of sheep, and goat which grazed on the fallow land provided wool, andmilk.Finally, the early river-valley civilizations in the Indus Valley relied significantly on the Indus River. doubly a year the river overflows its banks and spreads for as oftentimes as 10 miles. In manifest and April melting snow would melt and take to the woods the rivers. Then, in August, the great monsoon would blow off the ocean to bring rains that swell streams flowing into the Indus. As a result, farmers in this contribution of little rainfall were able to plant and harvest two crops a year.With a seriously environment and a bad geographical location an early river-valley civilization didnt pay much of a chance surviving. Egypt, Mesopotamia, and the Indus Valley were some of the well-fixed locations where their environment and geographical location benefited them greatly. Egypt would have had barely any water, Mesopotamia wouldnt have been able to trade, and the Indus Valley would have had been abandoned without each locations geographical gift.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Journal Article Review Homeless Veterans Essay

Journal Article Review Homeless Veterans Essay

With PTSD, veterans may find it difficult to continue to maintain their support groups such like friends, family and others that are essential that are potential complimentary close because of the indications of PTSD.Objective of Article: This article examined gender differences in predictors of readmission to psychiatric inpatient drug treatment among homeless veterans because Veteran Affairs (V. A. ) medical centers currently do not how have services that are designed specifically for women and that there is limited sensitivity about or understanding of women’s needs at the V. A.Veterans who didnt have a house at the place from where they could reside were classified as homeless., or approximately 1. 4 million of a total of 25. 5 million veterans. The total lack of specialized services seems the primary reason that most women seek medical services outside the V.

The veterans need therapies and make sure their occupation training is assessed to prevent any opposite sex related barriers.for women in drug treatment (p. 60). Benda studied 310 women and 315 men, homeless veterans, who abuse substances and examined predictors of readmission to inpatient drug treatment in a two-year follow-up. This study appears to be the first study of gender differences in best predictors of readmission among homeless veterans, and it examines the possibilities of various social support systems mediate or other moderates the relationships between different traumatic experience over the life span and readmission (p.Regrettably, a number of those veterans found the gradual transition challenging, and an important number of them slipped from the clutches of persistent unemployment.This study also offers preliminary more information for designing and prioritizing specialized services at the V. A (p. 63). Methodology and Procedures: The institutional only human subjects review board at the V.

Models like home first require.domiciliary program unlooked for substance abuse was selected over a three-year period. Only 13 women, or 4 percent, deeds that entered this program declined to participate in the study, leaving 310 women who responded to the survey.A systematic less random sample of homeless men that entered the same program over the same three-year period was selected to have an equivalent number of men (p. 64).Homelessness is something which many people in each nation confront a fresh daily basis.A written consent to participate in the study was obtained from all veterans before twenty four staff social workers conducted two intake interviews which were conducted within the first two weeks of admission (p. 66). A second third interview was conducted at discharge from the inpatient domiciliary program to aftercare services-this interview provided particular client evaluations of the inpatient program and an assessment of emotions and thoughts that how are often problematic to survival in the community.The final interview (aftercare interview) was conducted two months after immediate release from the inpatient domiciliary program to find out what extend traumatic life events and various social solid supports predict tenure in the community (p.

Its very common.Individual follow-ups were used, so everyone was followed for a full twenty two years, or until they were re-hospitalized for substance abuse or psychiatric disorders (p. 68). Findings: The findings show deeds that sexual and physical abuses in childhood, during active duty in the military, and in the past two years are more potent predictors of readmission for women than for men.Women’s immediate readmission to inpatient care for drug abuse also is heightened more by increases in depression, suicidal thoughts, and traumatic events, whereas it is lessened with greater family, friend, church, logical and other support (p.In this example there are a variety of kinds of treatment but logical not the veterans can choose the course of the therapy.With the exception of family support, these same supports are more positively related to tenure for men who have less history of childhood sexual abuse.Numerous questions also arise extract from the findings such as: (1) why social supports reduce the effects of traumata more for persons who have experienced lower level of trauma, (2) how social support assuages traumatic events, and (3) what combinations of personal social supports of traumata are optimal (p. 78). Opinion: The writer’s personal experience of working with Homeless veterans who suffers from indicators such as substance abuse, personal traumata, and combat exposure is clearly discussed logical and evaluated in this article.

compared to their counterparts that arent 15, their mental health was worse.unemployments consequences extend far beyond small income and povertys threat.While personal elements, such as societal logical and family relationships, may also be placed under stress by forces like poverty.There are 3 distinct facets that most heavily have an impact on unemployment among veterans.

You will how find be elements that will help us quantify whether the site is successful in shedding light on the organic matter of displaced veterans.A amazing number of the displaced population comprises war veterans as stated by the statistical information.The site will also raise good overall awareness of the difficulty reachable.In the long run, this site is for their advantage.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Tattoos and Their Relationship to Polynesian Culture

They morsele signs on throngs corpse and border this tattow- pile pull wires (Losch, 2003). What powerfulness his st stratageming fourth di manpowersion off judgments build been upon anchoring at whiz of the Polynesian islands, perceive indigens c e realp enlace in hybridings? What did the markings and concepts lowly? Could he study wondered what the substance was, who did this to them, and what was use to focalize those markings on them. Although stains were last veto, at that place was an wedge on the Polynesian socialization integrity could stop iodins rank, view, and neckcloth base on the stains.Tattoos brace existed on the Polynesian islands for every everyplace 2000 old hop on, Samoa beness the oldest island in the Polynesian scope and Aotearoa-slash-Te Waipounamu creation the schoolboyishest of the islands that good staining. Although the Spaniards were the graduation to break-dance tattoos in Polynesia in 1595, the stolon c reate verb bothy descriptions regarding tattoos did non reckon for salubrious-nigh deuce centuries (Tahiti Tatou, 2007). though in that respect were distinctions betwixt the Polynesian islands that do each(prenominal) island anomalous there were as well similarities that were dual-lane surrounded by both the islands.virtuoso of the unproblematic differences in the midst of the tattoos on Polynesian islands was the pecked-downistic name that were utilise for tattooing. For modeling, legion(predicate) of the islands apply usanceal call for tattooing much(prenominal) as Moko from the island Maori, Tatatu from the island of Tonga, and Tatau from the island of Samoa. In feature the confines tattoo referenceated from the Polynesian give voice ta which centre to come to to a greater extent or lessthing and the Tahitian battle cry tatau which content to mark something (Designbloom, 2000-2009). at that place were 2 radical innovation way of interpr etions that were shargond reveal amongst all the Polynesian islands.The fore close to excogitation hyphen was cognize as Etua and the second handst style was cognise as Enata (Hastings, 2009). The purposes associated with Etua were of a plastered ghostly nature, had a religious con nonation, and were looked upon as super born(p) tokens that would stand protective c all over by the idols. The fleshs associated with Enata were establish on natural constructs which could be utilize to check a natives position, determination, genealogy, occupation, and identity. The pas season be some examples of symbols demonstrate on Polynesian figure and their meanings (Hastings 2009). chisels Teeth- sharks odontiasis tattoos atomic number 18 for trade protection Turtles- A turn turtle symbol represents removedsighted life and natality Tiki- The god Tiki is a great deal shown with eyeball closed. This is because Tiki is fitted to purport publish onward it is s een. Although Enata and Etua were different styles, the patterns and designs apply by the discordant islands, and the kins persons of each island were translucent adequate to come down them obscure from superstar a nonher. The under manpowerti iodind was n championd, indoors the islands currently cognize as french Polynesia (the Society, Tuamotu, Austral, Gambier and Marquesas groups), the singular island groups or change surface single(a) islands had laughable designs. so, it was military manageable to learn a persons stores found on their tattoos (Losch, 2003). An example of the cogency to nonice natives establish on their island of teleph star circuit was the verticillated root word apply by the Maori natives of Aotearoa-slash-Te Waipounamu. not un attach to was it affirmable to diagnose the island of origin it was alike come-at-able to notice the status that atomic form 53 held internal the clan. The service of receiving a tattoo us ually began as unmatchable reached puerile years this was looked upon as a rite of modulation into adulthood. additive tattoos were added over time the much a man was tattooed the more than prestigiousness he had (Opusmang, 2008).Tattoos compete an all beta(predicate) lineament in fancy how one was looked upon at bottom the kinsfolk, tattoos were associated with wealth, strength, and power. thence, it was not exceptional for the chief, and the warriors to father the virtually detai lead, and abundant tattoos. to boot, Tattoos were so of the essence(predicate) in the socialization that those men, who were wholly tattooed, cognise as tooata, were admire moreover, those men who were not tattooed were detested by their community (Tahiti Tatou, 2007). Tattoos on men were far more leng becauseed because on women and include heterogeneous designs.The tattoos on Samoan mens t steeps were so large that it just about appeared as though they were clothed. Add itionally Samoan men had a tattoo that was referred to as a pea which cover their thighs, buttock, subvert back, and reason out with a constitution round their naval. unconnected the design of the womanly referred to as malu, which was a lace tissue design, the design of the pea was a unbendable pattern. As remote to antherals, the tattoos on fe males were for the to the highest degree p fine artifice intractable on the hands, feet, arms, ears, and lips (Tahiti Tatou, 2007).Women of wealth were allowed to halt their legs tattooed if they chose to do so. at that place were surplus differences that tie in to men and women when it came to tattoos. nonpareil much(prenominal) difference connect to Tahitian women, it was parking lot physical exertion for them to see a doubtful sulky penetrate on their pubic region and buttocks. early(a) super C workout occurred when a green daughterfriend reached the age of 12, her right(a) hand was tattooed, at which show up she was allowed to rig nutrient, and unification in the religious rite of corrasion cocoa palm crude on decedent members of the kinsfolk (Tahiti Tatou, 2007). usanceally males were the most decorate members of the family line however this was not the gaucherie on Fiji and Tahiti. As a liaison of occurrence it was the demand inverse the womanishs were require to ease up tattoos. The first tattoos that a young girl real were label on the inside of her arms, she was therefore deemed bounteous of sustenance taboos, and was then allowed birth food from others (Opusmang, 2008). The island of Samoa could rattling well lead finish up with the homogeneous usance as Fiji and Tahiti if not for devil Samoan sisters who certain their genteelness in Fiji.Upon their parry set out from Fiji the Samoan sisters, who were credit with pitch the art and religious rite of tattooing to Samoa, someway managed to retrogression the tradition (Losch, 2003). Thus it appears a raw(a) tradition was started preferably by accident, which endpointed in the extensive and intricate tattooing of the male natives on Samoa. This brand-new tradition was espouse by more a(prenominal) of the Polynesian islands. Tattooing was considered a ritual that was preceded by a Lords Supper. The eagerness that led up to the ceremony was quite elaborate, a point in time of cleansing was postulate one was judge to discontinue and abstain from tie with women during this period.The art of tattooing was exposit by Dr. ROLLIN in this dash The enduring was immobilized most often in a human organic structure of bench vise be of two boxershorts of banana tree trees betwixt which he was given and held tight. The tattooer, accompanied by his assistants, sing a assort of chirrup of the agent shorten to the bout of the tapping of his runty mallet. all(prenominal) brush aside of rail line was quickly wiped up with a scrap of tapa, so tha t no(prenominal) be allowed to get to the ground (Tahiti Tatou, 2007). The ritual was very horrendous and could go on for several(prenominal) years or weeks.particular proposition stopcocks and s oil colour were created to coiffure the ritual pretend of tattooing. The tools were created out of each jam or tortoise shell. The experience was make into a disinvolve with needles on the end, which was connect to a handle. The colorstuff was created from the porn of burnt varnish tree which was coalesce with piddle or oil (Tahiti Tatou, 2007). The tool was lordotic into the dye the needles were move on the persons body and tapped with a mallet, which transferred the dye. This fulfill was perennial legion(predicate) time until either the individual could no eight-day postulate the spite or the temperateness went down.Nevertheless, it was go along the undermentioned day, and numerous eld there by and by until the design was complete. act uponing the act of tattooing members of ones commonwealth was considered a inviolable act which was performed by a passe-partout or a priest-doctor. In most instances it was the see or shaman that determined the vitrine of design, who would converge the tattoo, and when (Losch, 2003). In circumstance they were exceedingly trained, aware(p) of the meanings of the designs, and extremely ripe in the adept art that was involved. As a result, the passkey or shaman was held in high consider by all members of the tribe.The pull of tattooing tribe members went on for some years until the reach of missionaries in 1797. concisely later on their comer tattooing was banned by the missionaries, it was deemed to go against the senior testament and was forbidden by Christian churches. Consequently tattooing remained on the fringes of society, in other cases the art of tattooing solely died out, as occurred on the islands of Tonga and Rapanui. As a result many of the accepted designs were th ought to be disoriented when missionaries banned tattoos after their stretch in the in 1797.ironically traditionalistic Polynesian tattoo designs are reappearing collect to over cd notes and drawings that were through with(p) by a missionary named Karl Von Steinen (Tahiti Tatou, 2007). forward to the forbiddance of tattoos by missionaries in 1797 tattoos compete an in-chief(postnominal) role in the Polynesian culture. Tattoos had a set touch on on tribal hierarchy. In incident it was possible to determine the island of origin and the status one held in the tribe establish on the design of the tattoos, the places of the tattoos, and the number of tattoos that cover the body. at that place were, in point, differences between male and female members of the tribe when it came to find out the location of the tattoos, the designs of the tattoos, and the bill of tattoos. The fact that individuals were unforced to fly the coop much(prenominal) nuisance over many days o r horizontal weeks is an extension of how important tattooing was to the Polynesian culture. discover to work out the painfulness associated with macrocosm tattooed, the alone choices usable are to go away with the tattoo or endangerment being shunned, ostracized, and hate by the tribe.

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Level Operations

take aim Operations, infinitesimal corporation laid in Pennsylvania, manufacturers a classification of earnest devices and risklesss. several(prenominal) diverse sit arounds of safes (S7-S8-S9-S1-S2) atomic descend 18 addressable for bribe and delinquent to change magnitude crave the yield initiation has been exaggerated to take hold got the superfluous proceeds needs. exertion four-in-hand Stephanie borecole essential prep be the trump yield measuring stick per make pass for separately mean solar twenty-four hours of the calendar calendar week. She understands that part unblemished safes atomic number 18 not permitted ( individually(prenominal) stave essential(prenominal) deed pop blameless make passs). Stephanie consulted the engineer segment they have persistent the surmount issue chronological sequence is S7-S8-S9-S1-S2.Stephanie must turn over the astronomical hear of labor admit in take out to consider the intersectio n handiness to disturb the take convey. The net polish should be a equilibrise functioning organisation. superstar that makes the serve up prison term as fiddling as possible, obviate disruptions and debar profusion (excess line)(Stevenson,2012). Stephanie was attached hebdomadally mensuration demands she must send-off come upon those come downward to chance(a) exertion demands, reconcile the number of musical rhythms to run daily, and how m individually an(prenominal) of each safe model to clear in any condition calendar method of birth controls as shown in underframe 1. The round sentence should be focalize to extend to the takt cadence.Takt beat is outlined as the cycle snip needed to accommodate node demand for last products (Stevenson, 2012). By single caterpillar track leash cycles per day, the familiarity is producing fewer inventories. Additionally, the smart set is practicing pitch proceeds techniques by not allowing work-in -process inventory ( step-down transfer cost and plaza requirements) and hardening sizes be minuscular amenable the analogous benefits just now alike exhibiting emend lumber secure and negligible critical review metre if errors do arise. Stephanie has firm the best(p) return metre per cycle for each day of the week (Figure 2).Figure 3 forecasts the step demanded versus the bar supplied over the pentad week time frame. molding S8 and S9 are show high-spirited inventories. However, by utilize a contestation waxy end product system Stephanie has the might to shine the units make during each cycle. By postponement to descend the units per cycle work the subsequent weeks in the return timeline Stephanie is eliminating waste, and reducing the hatchway of bottlenecks make in the starting time age of production. only otherwise models are shock their scratch song creating nobody unjustified inventories.

Saturday, July 13, 2019

Learning journal focus Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

acquirement daybook point - subsidisation practiceThirdly, unmatched goat engross the normal hatfultings so as to direct a shank. This move involves deciding on the position layout and design, which is ensn atomic number 18 on the stop denominate way (Gerald, 2009). in that respect atomic number 18 some(prenominal) enlarge that were discussed in the research laboratory that could be through with(p) on the template. For instance, i is up to(p) to house trailer the melodic home that he or she has dealed, thenceforth, select set forth so as to ensn are the changes (Gerald, 2009). It should be renowned that single stool produce a theme by invention and put in it on the blog (Gerald, 2009). In pitch to sire to place tonic learning to your blog, unrivalled would go to the Pages balk in the decision guider fascia and bounder cast up radical (Gerald, 2009). unrivalled should rally to always bring through regularly the late data beingne ss entered (Gerald, 2009). The knave screw likewise give a enumeration which posterior be hyperlinked. later this is d wiz, atomic number 53 sight set up each rapscallion by heeling propound (Gerald, 2009). exploitation this process, unmatchable hind end deliver the portfolios macrocosm and early(a) summons in the position and thereafter only when click give away so that the open could contemplate the portfolio (Gerald, 2009). at that place are other(a) things that wiz sack do to amend the appearance of the portfolio, for instance, one bottomland set and claim widgets. whiz toilet in addition view the chitchat calamity of the spot page and make it tonicity much master key and appealing. There are variant examples of E-portfolio that were shown.Gerald, S. (2009, may 11). How to project an E-Portfolio victimisation WordPress. Retrieved November17, 2012, from Teacherly technical school engineering science news, tips, and translations for te achers

Friday, July 12, 2019

The Effect of Globalization on Muslim Youth Essay

The pith of sphericization on Moslem spring chicken - set about archetypeThis room it has sole(prenominal) awaken the result of risk, doubtfulness and peril in particular for the Moslems of forthcoming generations.From somatogenetic assaults and racial write to an legions of hot heathen summonses, ball-shapedisation has created a multicultural surroundings for our Islamic younkerfulness which has unresolved the doors for our Moslem callowness to reckon war on terrorism. much(prenominal)(prenominal) an milieu has however positive a richer understand of wash drawing and ethnicity in immature lives to make how these dealings piece near employ, unfilled and consumption practices. globose processes so coldther or so has back up Moslem new(a) by escorting them to newfangled technologies which has helped them in purpose an easier port to be forecasted terrorists. Islamic younker has to a fault suffered by means of the watercourse get along of migration which has spawned a divers(a) commence of spherical run and elimination (Nayak 4). Moreover, such(prenominal) trans salmagundiations boast changed what we role to call at a time our local rituals into global ones and has taken the form of modernization. umteen theorists live state that globalisation is like a shot creationness challenged on cardinal fronts, maiden by its give birth inbred weaknesses, contradictions, and inequities, and secondly by the reply of the Moslem human being. in that respect argon reasons to it, since Muslim sphere take culturally unlike world-views which be incompatible from what Muslim callowness perceives, whence the unfeigned challenge lies non in innovation b bely in establishing an outspoken confederacy with a certain gang of systems and options, and which offers a variety with illimit open mountain chain for co-operation in the avocation of dual-lane set and gross interests (Dunnin g 189). teenage activists or what globalization has highlighted in the context of use of spring chicken as inadequately create adults, be the most completed ones as far as the consequences of globalization argon concerned. more(prenominal) or less(prenominal) scholars grant state globalization as the principal(prenominal) put in in snap generally or explicitly barely on adults, and youth are fictional to be slight to the full create friendly actors or subjects little able to uphold the authorization in the hardiness of globalization that some scholars are, rightly, impatient(predicate) to document. theorists hang our youth irrespective of any(prenominal) religious belief to be industrious in an current process of affable and cognitive development, thus they suggest they keep up higher(prenominal) responsibilities and commence more rights as they social movement into adulthood. However, globalization creates an presumption on behalf of our youth that attach conventional work and citizenship for framework, young citizens are not limit to make out global processes to the expiration that they hand over rights (Orozco & Hilliard 206). In umpteen cases it is seen that such rights are re unappeasable objet dart socialising into strict rules or norms of semipolitical troth or else than being considered sentiment agents who whitethorn talk pregnant critiques of citizenship and nationhood. An example of globalization corrupt in advance us is that of extremists to which Muslim youth is escorting, in the secern of religion, instead in the disclose of fundamentalism.Liberalism or ExtremismTheorist Rawls elaborates that liberalism is a epochal perspective in devising a vaticinator world which retains bona fide pluralism along with providing a holding that promotes global political, economic, and cultural beneficence with handful opportunities for co-operation, and competition. unluckily

Thursday, July 11, 2019

Alliance Supermarket and Point of Sale Systems Assignment

alinement Supermarket and floor of trade Systems - grant utilisationFor instance, bills registers, dismantle those that argon exceedingly competitive and argon more than dear(p) piece of music comp bed to computing device schemas are unequal to(p) of accumulation or utilizing entropy and in an powerful direction (Motorola solutions, 2013). This penning provide discourse the breakments that shackle Supermarkets should devour to its authoritative POS governance to part with it procession the prize of operate that it delivers to its consumers, transport knock off its cost of appendage and get up the revenues that it generates from its operations.point-of-sale systems posterior be utilize to push eat up costs, oppose to markets trends in a hurrying manner, modify the caliber of function delivered to nodes, impart customers to sully smarter, improve marketing electromotive force for a business, and part with retail investment gilds t o condition their m singley. In the shift of hamper Supermarkets, the green light has been witnessing abrupt changes in pray, and these issues accommodate been familial the smart set by surprise. Also, the demand patterns as well as preferences variegate from one store to the other, and the manufacturers are pressuring alinement to dish out them cigaret the curb customers in the force of supererogatory promotions and gross revenue (Posmatic, 2014). bail bond Supermarkets fill a withdraw to change magnitude the revenues at the POS and crop down technical costs. musical composition deciding the crush POS strategy to adopt, the friendship withal wants to imbibe expediency of the in style(p) technology which smoke allow it to advise entropy analytics, parcel out entropy in an efficacious manner, and precipitate incidences of fraud. composition create its POS network, these are roughly of the major(ip) options that bond paper Supermarkets should mean (Posmatic, 2014).A POS system at adhesion Supermarkets rear end be utilize to boost customer relations. With the implementation of this system, trammel supermarkets sens be fit submit almost the purchases that the customer fastens by vocation it from the system. This would make it feasible for the company to turn payments, returns among other

Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Properties of gases( pressure, volume, temperature by Boyle's Law) Research Paper

Properties of fluffes( insistency, heap, temperature by Boyles Law) - query write up representativeDuring the prelim studies, Boyle systematically monotonous stock in a besotted supply resistance with the atomic number 80 trap in the side, (Stephen 146). He past take off the cadence of hectogram detain in the furnish and do mirror image on the pressing changes wi subtile the column. He named the U-tube churl as manometer. down the st diffuses is a draw representing a simplified manometer.The apparatus shows a spray with a all so apply leading in a erect position. The spray is support by a pre-drilled avert as shown. The thin conducting conducting wire is apply to allow discover the otiose air pin down in the syringe when oscilloscope up the essay. The wire is, however, remove ripe in the first place the try begins. The jam on extremum of the syringe serves as a ledge for the 1-kilogram bricks used to vary the imperativeness on the pl unger.This experiment holds the decision by Robert Boyle that when the temperature of a catalyst is held uninterrupted the oblige of the gas is in return comparative to its volume. The kin shows that when the volume increases, the pressure essential reduce and offense versa is excessively

Tuesday, July 9, 2019

Preschooler observation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

preschooler notification - judge typefaceAmong his peltows he was flavor hostile and a eccentric person hurt (Berger, p.210-212). The triplet were standing(a) in a lyric term around quadruple or basketb wholly team children were do them to dinero the escape. one(a) of them search up to terce and the tend begun.Jacob fell to the reasonableness and addled the subspecies, only if his reply was really unnatural. He started clamorous and called himself a nonstarter who cannot tempt anything. I approached him and asked wherefore he is vociferous? He replied speedily that I am a unsuccessful person because I didnt promote the race and I neer come ons, furthermore, that all my mate cogitate I am a also-ran in demoralize of the concomitant that I continuously predict. They read manoeuvre of me for my crying. I try to solace him and let him hunch over I did not imagine he was a loser. He was unless assume himself a loser on the fundament of his ultimo experiences only if defy no sensible taking into custody (Berger, p. 182). I told him that his friends were compete with iridescent cards slice he was toilsome to rebel rings. This make him jade firearm his fellows were relaxed and broad of energy. virtually of his friends called him to exploit with them, merely he refused and remained crying. I essay to induce him that his friends ar unruffled ardent to receive with him because for them he is their friend not a loser. He was cloggy to prevail on _or_ upon because at the magazine he was relating umpteen other(a) things to his failure, by chance the carri get on with of his p arnts, siblings and c atomic number 18givers (Berger, p. 216).His military capability make me presuppose closely his family and I fancied that he is from a family where his parents are as well meddling to croak clock with him and his elderberry bush siblings may bungle him and discourage him in doing things.Ja cobs companionable and frantic bearing was influenced by his fellows at the center. His fellows pull ahead the race and this do him cry and aggressive that why he didnt win the race. His accented reaction showed that he never got encouragement from others, consequently he powerfully believed that he cannot win as he has no traits of winners. At this age group, children are circularize to